Mixed Messages

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After waking up, you truly got ready.

You sulk, still deciding to shoot the mystery person a text.

"Hello, this is her. Who is this?"

After overthinking for about 10 minutes, you walk down the stairs and walk into the kitchen to eat the breakfast your mother prepared for you.

Mom: Hunny, your brother is coming back from his photo shoot in Las Angeles this week! He's gonna be in your class.

You smile. You love your brother, despite him being the complete polar opposite of you. In terms of personality anyway. He doesn't struggle to speak, loving to talk and flirt openly without feeling a hint of embarrassment or his mouth seeming to be glued shut. You also always felt he was much better looking than you, but people constantly ask if you guys are twins even though he is a year older.

Mom: Oh! Look at the time! You better be going off to school hunny!

You look at your phone, your eyes widening at the time. If you stay any longer you'll be late meeting your friends!

You get up and run to the normal meeting spot, where you see them all still waiting for you. Shosuke leans against a wall looking nonchalant, looking at his phone. He seems to be texting someone, but it's hard to guess who or what the text is about because his face is hard to read.

He seems to notice you staring and looks up at you with an expression that makes it look like he's disgusted by the very sight of you. You just wave and start jogging towards them while masking your sadness. Komi smiles and Tadano starts greeting you, but Shosuke still pays attention to his phone. He walks ahead of you so you don't see his face.

You, per usual, drop Shosuke off, all of you waving and then continuing to your school. On the way, Tadano starts speaking for Komi.

Tad: Did you get a text last night?

You knod hesitantly and wonder how he knew. Was this some sort of elaborate prank you weren't in on? Your mind raced with thoughts, but then he continued.

Tad: Well... that was from...

He pauses, and you motion for him to go on. Why was he egging you on so hard? Just say it already!

Tad: Oh wait. I forgot! Oopsies.

He laughs, and you roll your eyes. You guys (Tadano talks, you and Komi listen and motion to "speak")

When you get to school you and Komi are bombarded with stares as if you guys were famous. Tadano mostly gets glares, and you notice that he tries to ignore them and pick up the pace.

School is school and nothing really interesting happens, but seconds after you walk out of the school gates, you get a notification from your phone.

"It's Shosuke. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime this week? Nagimi gave me your number by the way."

You stood staring at the message. Komi and Tadano happened to find you with your brain fried at the message. You showed Tadano your phone screen and pointed at the message.

Tad: Oh! I forgot. Yeah, it was Shosuke who sent it. You should probably respond.

He walks away, snickering and leaving you to think of something by yourself.

(*-Shosuke POV-*)

She's still not here... I should just text her what I have to ask.

He pulls his phone out, contemplating what to text. He asks Komi, who teases him. He then asks Tadano, who tells him to just make his words come from the heart.


Shosuke suddenly flushes while thinking about pouring his heart out to you. He's not sure why he feels this way, so he composes himself and stares at the text he made.

"It's Shosuke. Do you want to hang out?"

He doesnt like making texts more than maybe 10 ish words because texting feels like a waste of time to him. But he feels the need to do more, just for you. Why?

He feels like he's being watched, and he looks up, only to be met with your E/C eyes.

His heart feels like it's flipping, so he makes a face at you before hurriedly looking away, not feeling like embarrassing himself. He deep down hopes the face he made wasn't nasty looking. He goes in front of you so you don't see his face, and then he stares at the text.

"Why is this so difficult?"

He thinks, frustrated.

"She's just a girl. She's like someone I'd see on the street, or in my class."

He doesn't seem to convince himself, and he deletes most of the message. Before long, he's walking into his school, still staring at his phone.

He gets in trouble a couple of times for having his phone out while he makes several drafts for the message he'll send you.

In the end, he just decides that he'll go with something simple.

"It's Shosuke. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime this week. Nagimi gave me your number by the way."

He hits send, feeling nervous and not knowing why. 

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