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Ch. 8: love and hate

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Anna had only worked in the infirmary at Stillwater Castle for a few hours, and she was exhausted.

Guards with bloodied wounds from sparring. Dayweavers that overstretched themselves, so spent and agitated that their heart rates needed slowing. A councilman with a hacking cough. Patient after patient after patient, an endless rotating door of people claiming one of the twelve white cots.

The pregnant healer — June — was a whirlwind of energy. She was always bandaging limbs, crushing herbs, or cleaning wounds. Sometimes, she did all three at once. And when Anna asked if she had taken lunch yet, June shot her a blank look.

"What do you mean?"

"Food. Eating." Anna paused. "You do eat, don't you?"

"Oh," June said. "Not during the day. I don't have the time."

Anna had taken one look at June's exhausted face and ordered her to eat something. Or multiple somethings. She was growing another person inside of her, after all. June had hesitated, but Anna had insisted.

"I can manage a few patients," she said. "None of their injuries are life-threatening."

So June had left.

And not five minutes later, King Ryne Delafort staggered into the infirmary.

Anna paused, a throat swab dangling in her hand. Ryne's face was pale, and he was hanging between two guards, his arms slung over their shoulders. His green eyes were glassy. One guard — Isaac, she realized belatedly — started for a large cabinet filled with books. He slammed into it.

No, not slammed.


Anna stared as the cabinet slid aside, revealing a narrow room. Isaac carried Ryne inside, then popped his head out.

"Healer! I need you."

Anna sighed. Well. That was her. She set down the throat swab, patting the head of a courtier's daughter. "I'll be right back, okay?"

The girl gave her a gap-toothed grin. "Will you bring me a lollipop?"

Anna winked. "I'll see what I can do."

She slipped into the private room. Isaac was pacing in front of the king's bed like a caged animal, his sword flashing by his side. He stopped as she approached.

"You." Recognition flitted across his face. "I know you. I met you by the lake."

Anna pursed her lips. "You hit on me by the lake."

"And you turned me down."

"I'm surprised you remember me," she said. Isaac Webb had quite the reputation. Several girls in Grim's End had sworn off men because of him.

Isaac shrugged. "I'm not rejected all that often."

Anna gathered up an array of things at random: tubes of liquid, silver instruments... She paused as she unearthed a stack of books on horse breeding. Ryne must spend a hell of a lot of time here if he bothered to keep books around. Either that, or June had a secret interest in producing prize geldings.

She glanced over.

Would Ryne have the key on him now? Probably. But she couldn't just pat him down and steal it. Not with all these guards looking.


Anna turned. "Good afternoon, Your Majesty." She kept her voice light. Pleasant. "What seems to be the problem?"

His eyes narrowed. "Where's June?"

Well, she thought. Hello to you, too.

"She's taking lunch." Anna set the phials on the nightstand. "Nobody's introduced us yet. My name is Anna. I'm—"

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