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Ch. 17: darkness between the stars

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Anna had never liked cats, which meant, of course, that cats adored her.

She scowled at the white ball of fur curled up on her lap. She had come in from her walk with Camille over three hours ago, and the cat had refused to budge. His name was Shambles, Teagan explained, and the feline roamed the palace, eating scraps off courtiers' plates and hissing at strangers.

Anna had tried to shoo Shambles out of the infirmary with a broom, but the cat had hidden under a bed and bided its time. Now the feline was purring on her lap, its wet nose buried in the crook of her elbow.

Stupid cat.

Teagan sprawled out on a cot, her blonde hair fanned across the pillow. She had come in complaining of Dragon Boils today, which Anna suspected was a made-up disease. Fortunately, it was cured with a green lollipop.

Anna had tried shooing her out, too, but Teagan was just as stubborn as Shambles. The girl was also, Anna suspected, frightened of the thunderstorm, and it had been enough to soften her stupid heart and allow her to stay.

Besides, it was a wonderful distraction from Ryne. And thinking about Ryne. And thinking about kissing Ryne.

Which she was not doing.

Not at all.

"You know, I do have work to do," Anna groused. "June will be back soon, and I have to do an inventory."

She had also been hoping to break into John's office and ensure that the king's advisor didn't have a set of keys to the golden chest in Ryne's room. But, you know. She wasn't about to admit it.

"But I'm sick." A flash of lightning illuminated Teagan's pale face. "Can't you stay for a bit longer?"

Anna sighed. "Shall we play chess?"

Teagan smiled, revealing green teeth. "Tell me a story."

"I don't know many stories." Sophie hadn't been one for books. They'd spent most evenings scaling rooftops or trying to maim each other with swords. "And I don't have any books."


The small girl looked at her hopefully, and Anna sighed. Oh, hell and damnation. How was she meant to say no to that? She wracked her brains, stroking Shambles idly. The cat purred in delight.

"Well," Anna said, "I know one story. Have you heard about the Lost Princess of Lucerna?"

Teagan pulled a face. "Everyone's heard that one."

"It's the only one I have." Anna shrugged. "Take it or leave it, pumpkin."

Teagan was instantly all ears. Anna settled in her seat, jostling Shambles, who shot her a reproachful look. Anna glared right back at him.

"Once upon a time," she began, "there was a young princess named Orla. She was the youngest of three children — the other two being boys — and the kingdom of Lucerna rejoiced at her birth. The king and queen were delighted. Only when they presented the baby princess to the palace staff, she glowed as bright as a star. Many—"

"Sun," Teagan said.


"She glowed as bright as a sun." She chewed on her fingernail. "That's how the story goes."

Anna gave her an exasperated look. "Do you want to tell the story?"

Teagan shook her head. Anna stroked Shambles, and the cat gave a smug purr. She scowled. Stupid, self-satisfied mongrel.

"Anyway," Anna said, "the baby's power frightened many people. None more so than her oldest brother, Benjen, who thought the gods cursed her. A blight upon the land, he thought, sent to destroy them. So one night, Benjen stole into the nursery with a knife. But a great howl of wind knocked over a vase, and ten guards rushed in—"

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