Chapter 22: Explanations.

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Taehyung and Y/n came out of the shower while wiping their hair with a towel given to them by Jimin. They also wore his clothes that he kindly borrowed to them after seeing the state of their previous clothing.

The silver haired guy looked at them and showed his unique eye smile before signalling them to sit again onto the comfy mattress, and they did.

"Take off your top, young boy. Let me treat your wounds." He said while pulling out a little first aid kit box from the nearby drawer and opening it as Taehyung smiled to him as a sign of thank you before taking it off.

Soon the older crouched down in front of him with a cotton in his right hand, and a red colored liquid in the other before he could start the treatment. Taehyung stayed calmed and focused as Y/n played with her fingers nervously, scared that Taehyung might feel some kind of pain.

Jimin noticed her hands by the corner of the eyes and chuckled "I'm not gonna eat your boyfriend, calm down." She suddenly blushed and looked away as Taehyung bit into his bottom lip, trying to hide his excitement and shyness.

They didn't utter anything because they somehow knew that their future was holding that for them later. They low key knew that they were made for each other and were going to become an official couple.

Meanwhile, the silver haired guy continued to rub the cotton on his wound before muttering, grey deep eyes still concentrated on his work, "The wound seems deep and almost infected, what happened to you?"

Taehyung looked at his abdomen before sighing "A sharp branch entered my abdomen when I was being dragged while trying to stop my brother." The older suddenly stopped on his track and looked up at him.

"Give me as much details as you can, since you came here." Taehyung looked at Y/n and decided to let her do so as she experienced way more paranormal stuffs than him.

He gestured with his hands and she breathed out before speaking. It was a kind of trauma to her because she never ever witnessed this in her whole life. It seemed so unreal to hear, that even when she would tell this to someone, she would think that this sounded fake and pathetic.

"Well, at the beginning, when we arrived to our farmhouse, we started to witness a lot of strange activities. Like we would hear the door closing shut by itself. I know that I might sound like a psycho but I could also hear someone getting dragged onto the floor, some heavy footsteps. I once also saw a shadow by the window, felt someone walking past me and a lot of things like that."

The silver haired guy listened carefully while bandaging the blue haired guy's waist and hummed. So she continued, "But the cause of us leaving this house was that me and Taehyung saw....a-- cut head onto the ceiling with blood dripping from the n-neck...."

A frown appeared on his perfectly shaped eyebrows before looking up at her "What?!" She nodded "At this moment, we took our friend who's name is Jungkook and tried to run from there. But a lot of things prevented us from doing so: I was randomly pushed to a wall harshly, Jungkook was tackled to the ground and was dragged by an invisible power. And Taehyung also witnessed a few feelings, like someone pushing him."

"But, where is Jungkook?" Taehyung this time replied "That's the problem, he is gone missing. When we finally found clear water after struggling for days, we decided to drink and rest nearby. But suddenly a sudden rope or branch came out of nowhere before chugging into his neck and pulling him with himself. After that we couldn't find him."

Jimin sighed before sitting back into his chair with a slump body. It was not the first time for him hearing those kinds of stuffs. Also, the main reason of him coming here, with a mission.

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