🍂 Thirty Two

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Cliff got home just as Dawson was heading downstairs in a t-shirt and sweatpants--day off attire, which was a rare sight for either of the twins. Still, he was holding a tablet, probably for something work-related.

His younger brother paused on one of the last steps, brows furrowing as his gaze landed on Cliff. "Hi?" Dawson said more as a question than a greeting. "We all figured you were still asleep. Mom and Dad are making breakfast, so everyone's in the dining room. You go for a walk or something?"

"A drive," Cliff answered, unable to fight the smile tugging at his lips. "And I already ate, actually. I got, um... Well, I got breakfast with Annie at the diner. I asked her on a date."

Dawson blinked. "You and Annie?"

"You and Annie what?" Layla asked, strolling out of the dining room. She looked ready for a workout in leggings and a fancy jacket, and Cliff realized his brother might be dressed for a run rather than relaxing.

"He was on a date with Annie," Dawson explained, handing her the tablet.

She reached out to take it, but stopped halfway to turn to Cliff with wide eyes. "You...?"

Cliff nodded, still smiling. "Yeah. We're seeing each other."

Layla broke into a grin. "That's great!"

Jack strolled in from the den with a stack of papers in his hands. Without even looking up, he said, "It's about time," and kept walking back to the dining room.

"He knew?" Dawson gestured after Jack, staring at Cliff in obvious offense. "Why didn't I know?"

"He found out," Cliff defended, stifling a laugh. He figured Kenzie would likely have the same reaction, but he couldn't help it if Jack was observant.

Layla watched the dining room door swing shut behind Jack, and turned to Dawson with a frown. "Yesterday was a lot. He should take the day off."

Dawson let out a short laugh. "No chance. And if I tried to convince him to, I'd only get chewed out."

"I can't take the day off either," Cliff said, heading up the stairs as Dawson came the rest of the way down. "Got a lot of work to do on a jingle with a deadline in a few days."

"Good luck," Dawson said, patting him on the shoulder as he passed.

The truth was, Cliff needed it. When he sat down at the keyboard in his room, the only song that called to him was the same one that Annie had walked in on him playing in the wedding barn. The song he'd composed with her in mind.

After that kiss, knowing she was with him, wanted to be with him, the song had new notes that begged to be penned and played. His mind was flooded with thoughts of her that brought unheard melodies to mind.

For once he let himself set his work aside--his brain and his hands weren't giving him much choice, anyways. He immersed himself in Annie's song, and pondered how it was possible that he no longer had to wonder what it would be like to hold her, kiss her, and know that she meant it back.

 He immersed himself in Annie's song, and pondered how it was possible that he no longer had to wonder what it would be like to hold her, kiss her, and know that she meant it back

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