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FYI - I recommend muting the video and playing it at 2X speed. It really is an engineering marvel but the sound of the warning horn and bells is unbearable.

Chapter 12B

Cautiously, Babs crawled out and crept to the passenger side door. Suddenly, a loud beeping from a small cooking timer sounded from the middle of the road. She knew Theodora had thrown it out there. The old woman had done the same thing as they were leaving another small town in rural New York.

The infected person stumbled toward it as Babs climbed into the passenger side. She closed the door as quietly as possible. She had been keeping track of the destroyed bridges in a notebook so when she saw Theodora peeking at her from the rear window of the camper, Babs wrote in large letters.

Let Me Go First.

Nodding, Theodora pantomimed walking then driving and a motion like running over a speed bump. Knowing what she meant, Babs gave her a thumbs up then she gritted her teeth as she turned the key to warm the glow plug. When the engine turned over, Babs threw the truck into gear and sped out of the gas station ahead of Theodora. She ran over the zombie with a sickening thump and crunch. In the rearview side mirror, she saw the RV filled with cats following.

Glancing back from the corner they needed to turn at, Babs saw the undead person flopping in the road. There was a spray of dark red in the rain then it collapsed. She had never seen one bleed like that. She knew their hearts started beating again irregularly but didn't circulate blood which usually coagulated. They didn't breathe either and therefore made no audible sound beyond their footsteps. Thinking about the red mist, she realized in fear that someone had shot the corpse. Then she remembered the notebook on the fuel drum and knew that someone had also been in the back of the truck. She started shivering as she drove, so she pulled off her wet hoodie and shirt. She cursed that she had not grabbed a dry bra as she redressed. She decided she needed to find a place to get walkie-talkies so she and Theodora could talk while they drove.

The sun began to set as they approached the small town of Niota. A barricade was across the still intact bridge and railroad tracks. The large, lettered sign demanded that all who wished to cross wait until morning. The gates on both were padlocked on the other side. Theodora scowled as she watched Babs walking around, followed by King the cat. The young woman climbed around the barrier and jogged toward the center then returned.

Babs came inside the RV. "There's no way to get through. The bridge is turned sideways across the river, but someone was there recently. There are also lights in the town on the other side of the river. And I could hear cars. I shouted but no one noticed."

"Then we will wait until morning and hope they can be bargained with," Theodora insisted.

While Theodora cooked, Babs refueled the vehicle. She got the notebook, opened it, and looked at the sheet of Theodora's stationary which read, If this vehicle is found without a driver, please take the research information gathered on Pandemic Five to Kitsap Naval Station in Washington and contact Admiral Lansing of the Pacific Fleet. He is on the USS Ford. Or Captain Lansing on the USS Abraham Lincoln. It is vital the Navy doctors get these boxes. Do not eat anything containing Pharoah's Yeast Extract or you will die of fungal zombiism. Dr. T. Thorpe

Someone had written in ballpoint. Good Luck. The stranger looked at the notebook while Babs was getting dry clothes, then let her and Theodora leave. They had also shot the zombie so it wouldn't follow after Babs ran over it.

Babs took the paper inside. "Look at this. Someone was in the truck. I saw the zombie I ran over get shot as we drove away."

Glancing at the two words, Theodora nodded. "Well, it looks like we had a guardian angel... I hope he or she makes it."

First 12 Chapters - How I Became A Crazy Cat Lady To Survive A ZombpocalyseWhere stories live. Discover now