1-Artistry of Anger

533 10 43

Paintbrush sighed as the last few objects exited the art room.

'God.. Finally'

They thought, relieved to have time to themself at last.

Just as they started to pick up the scattered brushes from the recent class,

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Paintbrush sprung up in surprise.
Had someone left something of theirs here? If so, who?

"Paintyyy!! Can I come in, Tall fella?"

A familiar voice rang through the locked door.
Paintbrush let out a sigh,

"Yeah, give me a minute."

The exhausted artist called out, gathering scattered paint cans around the room.

As they finished packing everything up in the supply closet, Another yell.

"PAINTYYY! you're taking forever!!"

The Artist huffed, a bit annoyed at the objects impatience.
Despite the annoyance, Paintbrush swiftly unlocked the door.

It flew open to reveal Lightbulb, holding some blueberry muffins.

She ran to hug paintbrush, who was DEFINITELY expecting it by now.

"Painty!! Hi! I saw your students leave, so I thought I should drop by!"

Lightbulb giggled, placing the muffins down on a nearby counter.

Paintbrush simply patted her head.

Lightbulb kept rambling on and on about her day, and how happy she was to see her 'Bestest friend evers!'

Paintbrush commented a bit on their day, but they really just wanted peace and quiet right now.

"Hey, Painty? Wanna play? There's TONSS of thingy-mabobers in here to play with! right?"

Paintbrush froze. They had worked so hard to clean everything,
and lightbulb wanted to ruin it all.

"I.. uh. Don't think that's a good idea-"

The words barely exited their mouth, before Lightbulb flung open the door to the supply closet.

The artists bristles began to heat up.

Lightbulb began tossing cans of paint around the room, clearing out the closet peice by peice.

All of Paintbrush's hard work.. it was coming undone.

Their bristles sparked, fading a shade of orange, to red.


Paintbrush screamed.

Lightbulb stopped and turned, terrified.
She wasn't expecting such a harsh tone from her friend.

"W-woah! Painty, there's no need to yell, let's just!-"

Lightbulb stopped as she felt a firm grasp upon her neck.

"JEEZ, PAINTY! You're bold! Ehehehe!"

The grasp tightened.


She cried out, feeling her neck
dart into a different direction than her body.

The feeling slowly intensified as she began to wheeze.

But paintbrush didn't stop.
Nothing crossed their mind in that moment.

Their blood ran cold as they heard that sickening 'SNAP'.....

False Promise (UNSCRIPTED *FUN*FIC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon