8- Ritual Reunion

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Lightbulb awoke with a grunt,
Her limbs were so sore..

She sat up, her lower torso aching.

"Hmmn.. What's with that.."

She asked herself, sleepily.

Just then, Test tube entered the room,

unaware that her friend was awake.

"Hey, Test tube..!"

Lightbulb called out to her,

"..oh my god. IT WORKED!"

Test tube ran over, hugging Lightbulb

"What.. am I doing in here? Where are we?"

Lightbulb frantically looked around the room.

"Calm down, we're just in my lab."

Lightbulb seemed relieved..

"How are you.. Alive?"

Test tube asked, Making Lightbulb's

smile drop.


Lightbulb stared up at Test tube,


Test tube sighed, walking over to her

builtin board and pulling off a poster.

She turned, showing it to Lightbulb.

"Missing.. Last seen in Hotel OJ.."

Lightbulb's eyes widened.


She screamed, grabbing the poster from

her friend.

She ripped up the Missing poster, throwing the scraps on the ground.

"Why am I here.. Where's Painty?"

Lightbulb looked up at a confused vial,

awaiting a response.

"Paintbrush? Why..?"

Test tube put a hand on her own cheek,


Meanwhile at hotel OJ,

Paintbrush awoke, feeling the crack on

their face. It was still there from the fall

they took down the hotel stairs.


"Another day another reminder.."

They mumbled before taking various

pills down with water.

For all everyone in the hotel knew,

Lightbulb was just missing..

Exept Test tube, but she's not telling

a soul.

Just then, They heard quick footsteps

treading towards their room.

They door slammed open,


Test tube screamed in delight.

"Wh- what in the fuck are you talking


Paintbrush asked sleepily.

Test tube trotted over to Paintbrush,

hugging them tightly.


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Test tube leaned into Paintbrush,

giving them a sudden kiss.

Paintbrush stared at their roommate,

wide eyed.

Test tube stopped. Letting the gears

turn in her head to figure out what she

had done.

And then she got it..

And then she got it

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Test tube covered her face with her

hands, blushing heavily.

"..Can I come in now?"

Paintbrush's heart skipped a beat

hearing that voice..

"..Yeah, you're good."

Test tube uncovered her face, and went

to open the bedroom door.

to open the bedroom door

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And there she was. Like nothing had

even happened..

Even though she smiled so genuinely,

Paintbrush felt.. afraid.


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