Liy's P.O.V:
While Black Hole went to get Pie, I look around to check on everyone and find Pen's friend standing normally and talking with him.
Blocky: Yo Pen.
Pen: Blocky! You're back!
Blocky: Yeah, I zoned out for a bit there. So, what're we doing now?
Liy: We're waiting for Black Hole to return with Pie and then we're gonna have him get rid of this lava.
Blocky: Oh cool.
Everyone is keen on this plan, me however I'm still thinking... Black Hole's suckage is a very vital thing about him, he'd never forget what makes him a dangerous object to be too close to. I then see Black Hole flying back to us and he places them all down gently.
Black Hole: Hey guys we're back.
Bell: Black Hole suck up the lava!
Black Hole: What?
Pen: She's asking you to suck up the lava, we realized this after you left.
Black Hole: Oh... right....
Pen: So can you do it?
Black Hole: Well.... I uh... I rather we think of another plan?
I knew it. He doesn't want to do this, but why?
Pillow: Why not? Having you suck up the lava would be very efficient.
Black Hole: True but well.. look how much there is! There's a 'little' bit of a consequence for absorbing ALL of it and I don't wanna deal with that today, I already have too much on my mind as it-
Aggressive ringing can be heard, but before any could do anything or say something Bell had flung Spongey at Black Hole (somehow).
Spongey: AAAH!
Black Hole: WOA-!!
Spongey being engulfed in flames was the least of my worries for once as the exact second those two fell in the lava begun to rapidly lower until it was all gone leaving behind mainly dead grass and trees and burnt buildings. But Black Hole was... no where to be seen?
We all hopped off of the picnic tables and look around for him when 4 and 2 show up.
Two: That was handled faster than I thought it would be.
Four: YEah, GreAt joB drAIning the lAvA X.
X (from a walkie talkie of sorts): What? I didn't even push the button yet.
Four: WAit if yOu diDn'T dO It thEn whO wAs it?
Liy: Black Hole, he sucked up all of the lava but now we can't find him anywhere.
Two: Oh that's because I saw him zipping outside the city boarders just a few moments ago.
Four: Me tOo, I'm sURe yoU'lL find a *snrk* BIG sUrpRIse over there. Hehehehe.
Two: Four aren't you aroace and Why did you make that sound kinky in front of our students?
Four: GRRR!
Two: ... Four if you so much as despawn m-
Two gets cut out of his sentence for whatever reason, but is recovered by Four seconds after that and face plants to the ground.
Tree: Can you at least recover our friends?
Four: SUre thINg! I wAS jUst gOinG to Do thAt.
Four starts recovering a multitude of people including Bottle who shuffled right to us upon recovery.
Bottle: Yay!
Remote: What about Lightning and Fanny?
Four: Oh, ThEy'Re nOt deAd.
Liy: Wait really? Then why haven't we...
Lightning: Could you stop struggling already? We're almost there!
Lightning: What do you not hate....?
Lightning lands and releases Fanny who just snarls at him.
Lightning: You're welcome.
Tree: Where have you two been?
Liy: Yeah, I sent a text telling everyone to meet here. Fanny I can see why she didn't respond, but Lightning why didn't you respond like everyone else?
Lightning: I did get the text, but couldn't really look as someone seems to be too prideful to let me save her.
Fanny: It wasn't a matter of 'pride' I just don't like you!
Lightning: Wh- We're ON the same club! And as a member of said I can't just leave you hanging on that lamppost like a possum! I can't do that right?
Tree: If someone was hanging over something as deadly as lava which I can assume fanny was then yeah, you shouldn't leave them like that.
Lightning: See?
Fanny: HMPH!
Lightning: C'mon you have to accept me eventually..
Liy: Enough about that, we need to get out of the city boarder and find Black Hole. Two, can you tell us which way he went?
Two: Sure thing, I'm pretty sure he went west of here.
I thank Two and we run off in that direction.
Lightning: Wait why is Black Hole outside the City?
Tree: Long story... But could you fly up and look for him?
Lightning: Sure, I just got these cool binoculars.
Lighting: Hmm... I SEE HIM! THIS WAY!
Normal P.O.V:
After miles of running most of Death P.A.C.T. was already near exhausted apart from Lighting and Fanny.
Marker: *pant pant* Ti...rrrrrred....
Pen: Why did *pant* Black Hole *pant* Have to go so far..?
Fanny: Move it chicken legs we still have a ways to go!
Tree: Easy for you to say...
Pen: Yeah, what do you have quads of steel or something?
Fanny: When you're born without arms, you find it more efficient to have more profound legs.
Remote: Must.... re...chaaarrrg-g-gh...
Lightning: What's the hold up? Oh...
Fanny removes Remotes battery and places in a battery with a red lightning bolt on it.
Death P.A.C.T. minus Fanny: Woah!
Remote immediately lifts up everyone and rushes after Lightning who now held the binoculars the wrong way.
Liy: We looking any closer to Black Hole Lightning?
Lightning: Ehh he still seems pretty far awaAGH-
Lightning suddenly gets held back by something and nearly drops his binoculars.
Lightning: Phew, that was a close onnnnnneeeee.... woah...
As Lightning look ahead of him, he's met with the face of Black Hole far larger than how big Puffball was during the lava flood, he also notices that Black Hole had grabbed him by the collar of his shirt with the tips of his massive fingers which is the cause of his unintended stop.
Black Hole: A close one indeed, flew in any closer and you'd be done for.
Marker: Woah! In awe at the immeasurable size of this unit!
Remote: Actually he can be measured, my optic scanners dictated he's about 48 ft and 12 inches tall.
Black Hole: Yeah, you guys see now just why I didn't want to suck up the lava?
After letting Lighting fly out of the danger zone of his head he repositions himself to be more leveled to his friends who now almost look like ants to him.
Black Hole: I had to get out of there quick before I outgrew at least a fraction of the city.
Liy: Yeah, I should've been into consideration that black holes grow as they consume. Sorry for that.
Black Hole: Neither of you are the one who caught me off guard throwing a big living sponge at me, so you're good.
Pen: Well the next semester's going to me awkward heh.
Black Hole: This isn't permanent Pen, at least not in this form. As long as I just lay here and try not to absorb anymore matter I'll be back to normal in at least uh.. 24 hours or so.
Black Hole puts up his hood and lays down to just wait.
Tree: So you're just gonna stay out here by yourself and do nothing?
Black Hole: Um.. yeah kinda?
Tree remains silent for a bit before starting to climb up Black Hole's hoodie.
Black Hole: Wait Tree? Tree, what are you doing?
Tree: I'm going to keep you company of course.
Remote: I'm going up there too!
Liy: Uh Remote, we kinda need you to help us do a head count of the survivors and who's been recovered.
Remote: Ugh, fine...
Liy: We'll uh check back on you two tomorrow then. ;)
Liy winks to Tree before Lightning flew her and the rest back to NYC, to which Black Hole was confused about.
~To be Continued~
(Author's NOTE: Well at least New Yoyle City isn't full of lava now. Poor Black Hole though, he just wanted to find and talk to Gaty and now he has to deal with being over 40 feet tall for a day)