Chapter 8 | Unwanted Company

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Angry, thundering knocking pounded on the front door of the small cabin home. 

Paintings against the walls rocked and swerved with every thunder. 

A white-haired woman settled on her bed was rudely awoken from her dreamless slumber. Her long white hair rested on her shoulders and cascaded along the plump pillow. Crystal blue eyes met the ceiling before she rushed out of bed. 

Pale bare feet met the cold wooden floor.

She had awoken moments ago, but the woman felt wide awake. 

Fear trickled across her body, bolts of lightning hissing along her spine. She only wore short, light blue pyjama bottoms and an oversized t-shirt with elk silhouettes standing amongst black trees and shrubs on the front. 

The fear she felt slowly dissipated when she realized it must be Blaine. 

Why on earth is she banging on her door at 3 a.m.? 

Lucifer was still in her house, sleeping in the next room over, so the only person she knew who would be bothering her was Blaine. The lean woman was a wildcard known for her chaos and unpredictable nature.

As she reached the bottom floor, she passed by a mirror. She saw her reflection in the corner of her eye, but something was off. 

"Don't answer the door."

A voice she thought was only a dream snarled in her mind as her glance lay upon the reflective surface. 

Her eyes had turned white, leaving her black pupil in a void. River raised her eyebrows, her mouth gaping in horror at herself. 

Slowly, the woman closed her eyes and then hurriedly opened them again.

Her eyes were back to normal. 

All left in her eyes was her natural eye colour, ice blue. 

Before River could debate whether she was going insane, the front door to her cabin home slammed open. The lock shattered, pieces dropping to the ground. River let out a startled shriek.

Numerous muscular men barged into her home, heavy glares glowing with different colours of yellow, red, or white. Two men pounced onto her smaller body and hauled her into their arms, "S-Stop!" The woman cried out.

"S'il vous plaît! Je ne vous ai rien fait!" River sobbed, speaking her first language without thinking.
[Please! I have done nothing to you!]

None spoke as the other men began to search her home, opening every cabinet and throwing books on the floor. Tears eroded from her eyes, pouring down her cheeks as she sobbed.

The men carried her out fireman style- grips so strong on her wrists and ankles that it started to hurt. 

Other men around him searched every crevice- destroying her lovely home. 

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