Chapter 1, Part 2

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Suddenly, knocks echoed at Meg's bedroom door. She resisted answering, but their persistence dragged her back to the real world.
"What?" She snapped.
"Easy." Elise barged in, smirking. "Nice to see you too. It's been long enough."
"What?" Meg wiped drool from her cheek, squinting at her best friend who plopped down beside her head.
"It's past eight." Elise pulled the pillow from atop Meg's head. "Your mom asked me to take you to school."
"Why does it seem like I only slept for twenty minutes?" Meg sat up, rubbing her eyes, her voice waning.
"Same dream as always, eh?"
"Hm." Elise took a deep breath. "Get dressed. We're going out for breakfast. I'll meet you in the car." Elise left before Meg could protest.
"So, where do you want to eat?" Elise called out once Meg emerged from her house.
"I don't know... the same place as always, I guess." Meg jumped into the new Jeep. "This is nice." She looked around at the lack of clutter. "Clean... Smells nice too." Meg's joke was well warranted, as they both knew her last car was always a mess.
"Right?" Elise seemed proud. Her grin beamed from more than just having a new car. "This is my nineteenth birthday gift... You are coming, right?"
Meg didn't remember that it was her best friend's birthday but tried to cover it up by responding with overconfidence. "Of course, I am. When is it again?"
"Tonight. So, what did you get me?"
Meg smiled awkwardly. "It's a surprise."
"That's the Meg I like to see... I wanna see more of those smiles." Elise returned the smile. "Now let's eat, and I'm not letting you say otherwise. Today we're playing hooky."
As the two ate, it sure seemed like old times to Meg. They talked about pointless stuff, laughed at nothing at all except the goofy smirks the two exchanged while watching all the men jog by as they ate in Elise's Jeep at the park. Like always, Meg was in two places at once, reminiscing about her dreams while also being there with Elise.
"Suspect has been apprehended." This news over the radio caught Meg's attention. She reached over and turned it up. "Thanks to the impeccable accuracy of the sketch provided to the border patrols, Brandon White was fleeing across the border into Canada when Constable Ryan Henderson recognized the perp."
"Meg? What is it?" Elise asked after watching her friend interestedly listening to the radio.
"That's it."
"What? Meg, what's going on?"
"That's what I need to do. Let's go to the police station." Getting a sketch artist to draw her recollection of Jacob seemed like a good idea.
"What do you need to do? What's at the police station?"
Meg looked at her worried friend. "I know this might sound crazy, but I have to know if Jacob is real." She sheepishly glanced at her best friend.
"Jacob? You mean dream boy Jacob? You're right. That is crazy. Don't you think you're going a little too far with this obsession?"
"Look, I know you think it's ridiculous, but I have to know if he's real or if my mind is just screwing with me."
"Meg, your mind is just screwing with you. How could a man from your dreams be real? This is why everyone's so worried about you."
"Don't." Meg got defensive immediately. "I'm going; now, do I have to walk, or are you going to take me?"
There came a point where this concern from people around her, their persistence in thinking that something was wrong with what she was doing, became an annoyance. Meg accepted long ago that this love with Jacob was far too real for her to give up on it. Though she loved her friend and her family, it was such a disappointment that they were the ones to pass judgment so quickly. She knew it wasn't normal to fall in love with the literal man of your dreams, and yet it wasn't normal to dream of the same guy every night either; nothing seemed normal to her anymore.
Elise looked at her adamant friend for a few seconds during the stare down. "Alright. Alright. I'll take you, but please, don't get your hopes up."
A good hour went by with Elise waiting out front of the police station before Meg appeared from within.
"So?" Elise called out the open window as Meg approached the Jeep.
Meg held up a hand-drawn picture before jumping into the vehicle.
"Let's see." Elise snatched the picture up.
"I'll give you this one; he sure is gorgeous. Did they find any matches?"
"No," Meg replied with disappointment.
Elise almost said, "I told you so," but felt bad for even thinking it, especially at the sight of how disappointed her friend was.
"Can you take me home?" Meg said after a few seconds of silence.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Look, I can't believe I am saying this, but just because there's no match for him in this police database doesn't mean he isn't out there. I mean that could be a good thing that the police haven't got him on file."
"That's what they said after the search came up with nothing," Meg replied.
"Wait, what did you tell them about who he was? I hope it wasn't the truth."
"No... I told them that he was my boyfriend and that he left without a word."
Elise shook her head while smiling.
"What? I didn't want them thinking I was crazy. I'm not crazy, am I?"
"I don't think so... Well, at least not in the conventional sense anyway."
"Yeah." Now the picture will just torment me even more while I'm awake, she thought.

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