Chapter 1, Part 3

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"Finally, I've got the house to myself," Meg walked into the quiet home and headed upstairs to her room. She wasn't tired, but it was worth a try.
The room was sweltering, so after opening the window, she closed the curtains tightly, making the room pitch black.
Meg sat at her vanity with the lamp on the dimmest setting. She took off her necklace and all her clothes, except her underwear and bra, and stared at the sketch of Jacob.
"Why are my dreams doing this to me?" The picture was so real, as were her memories of him. Dark eyes, dark skin, distinguished face, and a perfect jawline. There couldn't be a more perfect man for her. Looking at that picture on the vanity only made her want to go back to the dream fantasy even more. Even if only for a moment, that moment was worth more than a thousand in the real world.
After looking at that page for a few more moments to etch his face into her mind, she crawled into bed, closed her eyes, and tried to clear her anxious mind.
On the cusp of falling asleep, an odd noise came from outside the window, making Meg shoot up at the sound of it. It sounded like voices accompanied by a scuffling sound along the lower floor's roof leading up to her window.
"You sure nobody's home?" A voice, accompanying the scuffling sounds, asked, nearing closer to her window.
"Instantly Meg jumped up and ran to her closet, quietly shutting the door at the exact moment whoever was outside slid the window open.
"I'm positive. I can't sense anyone," the other voice responded in a higher-pitched tone.
Can't sense? Meg thought as she stood hidden in fear.
"All I can sense is the Shadow Verge emitting from this room. It's faint, but it's here."
It was obvious to Meg that the two men who entered her room were young men by their voices. She dared not make a sound, hoping that they would take whatever they came for and leave quickly.
It wasn't long after climbing through the window before one of them spoke up. "Hm. I don't get it... this necklace is the source."
"What is a human doing with such a thing?"
"This is an ancient relic passed down by my people. It was used to strip its wearer of their magical abilities, someone who may not know how to control them yet. These relics became useless long ago, though, when the first Shadow Veil arose to strip the world of all magic thousands of years ago."
Meg was now convinced that the two men were either crazy or on some sort of trip, and this only enhanced her fear.
"Well, it's probably just a trinket to whoever owns it. I doubt they know of its true purpose... At least now we know why the energy I felt emerged from this dwelling."
"You sure we're done here?"
"I'm positive."
"Good. Let's go."
"Wait a minute. Why does this human possess a picture that looks eerily like you?"
Meg perked her ears.
"Let me see that." The other voice responded. "I have no idea... This place is strange indeed. First a druid relic. Then this picture... C'mon. We're done here."
Meg was curious but afraid as well. Nothing about these two robbers made any sense. Just the idea of whoever was in the room next over possibly being Jacob made her feel a weird sense of security. But she also feared the situation, and that fear prevented any rash decisions.
"Let's get out of here. Leave that. We don't want them knowing of our intrusion."
After a few more moments, Meg could hear the window closing, and their scuffling across the roof receding as the two men took off.
She quickly ran to the window and ever so slightly peeked out to get a glimpse, but nobody was there. No matter where she looked, there was nobody to be seen except the neighbor across the street who was washing their car, who for some reason didn't seem to be suspicious of anything that had just happened.
"Damn it," she whispered under a quivering breath. After giving up and heading back to the necklace they were speaking about, each glance back and forth between the necklace and sketch only left a deeper confusion about the encounter and how it related to her dreams.
"Shadow Veil?" The verbal question echoed her curious gaze at the necklace she grabbed for a closer look than she'd ever had before.
Her phone sat right beside the picture that the sketch artist drew, so she snapped it up and dialed out.
"Elise, you are not going to believe what just happened."
"Calm down. What's going on?"
"My house just got broken into."
"What? Are you okay?"
"Yes. I'm fine. But that's not the weird part."
"Well, did you call the police? Did they take anything?" Elise butted in before letting her friend finish.
"No. That's what's weird. They were in my room while I hid in the closet."
"Jesus Meg." Her friend's words were woven with concern.
"They were first talking about some Shadow Veil and my necklace's giving off some sort of aura which was what led them here. Then one of them saw the portrait I had drawn up earlier. Get this Elise, one of them said how it looked identical to the other guy that was here with him."
"Well, does he?"
"I didn't actually get a look at him."
"Meghan, you don't actually think that was the man from your dreams, do you? You know that's crazy right?"
Meg went quiet for a few seconds.
"Meg. Hello... Hey."
"Yeah, I'm here." Elise could tell her friend's response was reclusive and pensive.
"I mean, there's no way it could be him. You know that, right?"
"Yeah, I know. Look, I gotta go. Talk to you later."
"You need to-" Elise's voice was cut short when Meg ended the call to sit there looking back and forth from her necklace to the picture of Jacob.
Am I going crazy? She was frustrated and began to grow tired of this tantalizing yet elusive conundrum. Calling the police wasn't an option. What would she tell them? They didn't even take anything. She started to even consider the whole thing didn't even happen.
I gotta get my mind off of this. This is driving me crazy. Think, how can I do that?
Her phone vibrated, and a text popped up from Elise. 'I'm sorry for being insensitive. I hope you'll still be at the party tonight.'
That'll have to work. Elise's party would have to be that distraction.
'Yeah, I'll be there,' Meg slowly typed back.
'Good. Meet us at Rubio's at 830.'
'See you there.'

Book of Visions (Vampire,Werewolf Urban Fantasy/Romance)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora