Update from Author

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Hiii guysssss,

I cannot tell you guys how much I appreciate y'all reading this book. This is something my teenage self whipped up while talking to my best friend on calls and while sitting in the corner at family parties that I never wanted to go to.

I still check in from time to time and read all the comments that all of you leave and it's so heartwarming to see a random teenage thing turn into something that actually makes people laugh/smile to this day. 

I would love to incorporate any feedback, suggestions, ideas - just about anything. And let me know if there's anyone out there who'd be interested in reading another book perhaps. This would be obviously way better than the one you're currently reading - a more organized plot line, regular updates, better visuals and much better grammar XD.

Either way, absolutely love you guys for coming all this way and making it through to the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed the book. Cheers!


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