Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Avery! Avery! Wake up, we are already late for work!!
   Avery groans and turns to the other side of the bed, knowing that it's futile waking him up, especially when he sleeps like a log, I huff and throw my hands in the air, in frustration muttering under my breath.

    I sigh knowing that I have to make up some excuse to Mr. Cane why Avery can't come to work hoping he will spare avery.

   Getting up from the other side of the bed grumbling, I search for the small amount of water that we were able to save since our water pipe broke and our Landlady Mrs. Jones refuses to fix it.

   We had to buy water from Mr. Metro who is known to hoard water if we didn't pay.

   In our small village of Maine, the people struggle to find water to take their baths, cook, and for other purposes. In Maine, we don't normally take our baths in two days.

you may ask why? because our well has dried up due to the scorching sun that comes with dry seasons.

  Mr. Smith a well-known businessman who works for the mayor was able to build a reservoir for the people of Maine.

  Mr. Metro a man that works under him is known for being a greedy,  inconsiderate, and conceited man. the people don't like him because he thinks he is better than everyone. If he sees you his ugly face will twist into a sneer.

  He will start saying rubbish that we should be bowing down at his feet if it's not for the wonderful idea that he brought to the mayor as if he was the one that brought the idea. It was one of the villagers, Peter a kind old man who brought the idea when his granddaughter, little Amy almost died from dehydration.

  Mr. Smith left Mr. Metro in charge of all construction that has to do with Maine.

  And he uses this opportunity to exhort money from the people. Sadly Mr. Smith trusts easily. he can trust a lion even when it bares its razor-sharp teeth at him.

   I keep saying this mantra to myself "One day I will make a difference in Maine I will be the first person to obtain immortality and be a legend". I just have to endure knowing what I know, that death is inevitable. The people of Maine die every day from one sickness to another.

  After using the small water to wash my face and brush my teeth, I remained out of the small quantity of water for avery to use to clean himself. satisfied I wear my worn-out trouser and top.

  Strolling out of our one-room apartment I lock the door behind me and put the keys in my pocket. to be extra sure that the keys are still in my pockets, I patt my front trouser to feel them there.

   You may ask why I am extra conscious? because we had a break-in, and although we don't have much, the robbers still stole the few things we have. like my favorite watch that was a gift from my father although it wasn't expensive it was worth a few pennies, I still miss it. and also Avery's favorite past-time book. yep, we are so poor, it's so embarrassing and laughable.

  I head out of the building to go to the construction site where I work. getting there I saw Mr. Cane shouting at workers.

Mr. Cane: "Chris get moving we don't pay you to be lazy!!

Chris grumbled and said under his breath. "you don't even pay me enough".

 Mr. Cane heard him.

If looks could kill, Chris will be six feet under the ground. Mr. Cane's eyes were so red, he looked like a bull that was about to pounce on his prey. I pitied Chris.

Mr. Cane: "What did you SAY?"

everybody went deadly silent.

Chris went pale with fear.

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