Chapter 2: Doubts

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Nicholas' POV

Sometimes we all experience a certain period in life that we begin to question the very existence of what we believe in, the stories passed down to us by our forefathers. we begin to ask ourselves if it's all true. and if it's not? how can we go on when everything we have ever believed in unravels before our very eyes?

how was it possible that this information was not widely known?

how were they able to keep this secret hidden for so long?

These questions plagued my mind as
I walked to my house. or maybe the oldies wanted to selfishly keep this life-saving information to themselves while allowing mankind to suffer in pain. I Thought

"how cruel" Nicholas smirked.

I wonder how people will react when this secret finally gets out. I'm sure this will cause a disruption. Many will feel betrayed by their ancestors for allowing them to wallow in pain, and some will be greatly confused not knowing how to navigate their lives from the lies passed down over centuries.

So deep in my thoughts, I didn't see the carriage galloping towards me until I was pushed from being crushed to death. thankfully I was pushed by old man Peter who saved me.

"watch where you are going, you loggerhead!" the coachman shouted. shaking his left fist furiously at me before speeding off.

We rolled across the road before stopping.

"Boy, I think you ought to start calling me your hero." old man Peter jokingly said. he stood up from the ground and shot out his hand to help me stand up. dusting off the sand on our clothes.

"Thanks, sir," I said softly.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me sir, I ain't a sir to nobody." he, exclaimed, pointing his finger at me.

Old man Peter could see that I was ruffled. sometimes I call him Peter or Old Man. I remember when I made the mistake of calling him sir, he didn't talk to me for one week. I smiled remembering this memory.

"thankfully if not for me, you would have been crushed like tomatoes."

He could see I was somewhat distracted.

"boy watcha thinking about that almost got you killed?" he said with a concerned gaze.

"It's nothing", Nicholas said.

"Well, it ain't nothing from the looks of it. Old man Peter said. picking his hat from the floor dusting the sands off, and wearing it back on his head.

"Well if you change your mind Nick and you want to talk about it, you know where to find me. He said winking.

He was about to go when I abruptly stopped him. "wait! I want to ask you a question. well, it's more of your opinion." Nicholas was bashful to ask him that the thought of escaping flashed quickly through his mind.

"you want my opinion?" old man Peter asked bewilderedly.

"yes," Nicholas said with pink cheeks shifting uneasily on his feet.

Old man Peter could see that Nicholas was embarrassed. he could barely hold in his laughter anymore.

"Ha ha ha ha!" he busted out laughing.

"don't laugh old man! Nicholas shouted.

Sorry! Sorry! He roared holding his belly and laughing out loud.

"Well I'll be damned!" he said slapping his thigh.

"you don't ask me for my opinion, now you need an opinion from this old man he said while flicking the tears from his eyes from laughing so hard.

"What brought around this change?" he said still chortling.

"Well, I just need to know your opinion on a matter."

"Ask away!" Old man Peter said gesturing with his hands.

"Well, have you ever wondered if everything you have ever been told is a lie? If our ancestors have lied from the very beginning while hiding the truth from us? what do you think will happen in the future if it affects us all?" he asked eagerly.

"Well, I don't think I have ever believed in everything those old crooks have ever said." Old man, Peter said while stroking his beard.

"Well okay" Nicholas sighed in disappointment.

Old man, Peter could still see that Nicholas was still worried about the matter. He wondered what could be disturbing the young man he mused.

"Let me give you a piece of advice." Old man Peter said.
My mama always said this "Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow would worry about itself.

👆(the above quote is by Karen Kingsbury).

After saying that, old man Peter left leaving me with a conflicted heart.

"Thanks for nothing" I whispered under my breath.


The night has settled, taking the sun and replacing it with a dark and cold dreary night.

'Just like my thoughts...

Coming back to the apartment. I was about to go in when our landlady Mrs. Jones blocked me from entering the hallway.

Mrs. Jones is a grumpy old woman with sunken black eyes that stare at you with hatred, dirty grey hair that falls over her weatherworn face untamed and unkempt, her wrinkled face that forms ridges whenever she frowns. spindly arms hung from her torso, long and bony, scarcely able to support the weight of her skeletal hands. And a back that stoops whenever she is walking.

"Good evening mrs jones" I greeted.

Good evening?.... is there anything good about the evening!?" If there is, do pray to tell." Mrs. Jones replies in a sarcastic voice.

"Is anything the matter?" I asked.

"That's good for nothing! That you left upstairs, has been creating a nuisance since you left!! Mrs Jones said. waving her cane around, almost striking me in the face, so I shifted back avoiding it from happening. Mrs. Jones is so angry that she is shaking in anger, her face gradually turning red.

"Don't worry Mrs. Jones I will talk to him."

"YOU BETTER!!" she shrieked, shaking her scrawny fist at me. limping away furiously.

' What has avery done now' I thought tiredly...

   I'm back! readers...😊

   So sorry I took time to upload and for that, I'll try to update regularly!

Anyways, back to questions!

What do you think about this chapter? 🤔

What do you think of old man Peter?

I wanna hear your thoughts...

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Thank you for reading! 🤗

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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