Magnificent (fluff)

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You had not expected Prince Aemond to be still sleeping in his bed. Usually whenever you visited the one-eyed prince's chamber to clean it , you would find it empty as he gets up at dawn to practice his swordsmanship.
So to find the diligent prince still in his bed a was surprise, pleasant one at that.
You couldn't deny the hopeless attraction you felt for this man, but it wasn't something you could say out loud ever. Even thinking about it to yourself felt like a sin. Afterall he was a prince of the seven kingdoms while you were just his chamber maid. He probably wasn't even aware of your existence. But that didn't deter your heart that yearned for him. You admired his courage, his loyalty for his family and his regard for honour. But most of all your heart ached for him. You had heard stories of how he lost eye in the pursuit of gaining the biggest dragon in the world. The brave little boy had gone through so much,had endured so much ,you thought as you felt pangs of pain in your chest.
You moved towards his bed, your curiosity getting better of you. You had only ever gazed at him from afar, or a few stolen glances whenever you could, but your heart thumped at the prospect of being able to see him up so close, so vulnerable.

Your eyes travelled over his silvery white hair, that was now tousled due to sleep, his usual sharp and stern features now slacked, making him look so peaceful.
Unbeknownst of yourself you extended a hand forward to brush off a strand of hair from his face.
Your eyes finally rested on the slashed eye. This was the first time you saw it uncovered, though you still couldn't see what lay beneath his eyelid.

You had snapped at countless maids gossiping about Prince Aemond's injured eye, calling it a horrifying sight. You got furious whenever someone tried to insinuate that the Prince was a man no woman would ever want to be with. You disagreed strongly as you yourself would give anything just to hold a conversation with him.

Your hands softly traced his scar as you whispered, "Beautiful."
"How could one look so magnificent?" You wondered out loud.
Just as you were about to withdraw your hand , you felt a sudden grip on wrist stopping you to do so. You gasped loudly as you realised the Prince was not asleep at all.
Aemond was just about to wake up when he heard his door creek open. He knew who it was just from the sound of the soft footsteps.
You might have been unaware , but you held the prince's attention since several days.
Aemond loved looking at you working away silently, your hair strands falling across your face while you scurried about. He loved the way you hummed while performing the most mundane tasks. He loved the way your eyes lit up whenever you got a chance to accompany Halaena with her babes to the royal garden.
You didn't know it, but you had enamored the Prince with charms you probably didn't know you had.

He held his breath as he heard you step closer. He kept his eyes closed, curious to know your intentions.
He certainly did not expect your small, soft hands  to touch his face so caringly. His heart thumped louder than ever until it suddenly stopped for a moment when he heard you whisper, "Beautiful." .
He couldn't fathom why would you say that, you certainly couldn't be talking about him , he thought. He knew for a fact as it had been repeatedly made clear to him by society that he had an unpleasant appearance, beastly even.
So he was utterly confused as to why you were whispering such sweetness to him.
He felt your hand withdrew and instinctively clasped his fingers around your dainty wrist.
He sat up as he heard you gasp loudly.

"I- I'm so sorry your Grace. I'm so sorry. It wasn't my i-intention to disturb y-you." You whimpered pathetically as you shut your eyes tight in fear. You were sure you would be punished for your stupidity. You expected the prince to release his rage on you but none came, instead you heard his gentle voice saying, "Calm down sweet girl, you have nothing to be scared of."
You finally dare to look at him as you were confused why was he being so gentle with you.
You saw his soft expression searching your eyes for something.
"Now tell me love, is it true what you said?" He asked pleadingly while taking your other wrist in his hand as well .
"Wh-what my prince?" You ask nervously.

"Did you mean what you said earlier?" He asked again, insecurity seeping through his voice.
You suddenly realised you had voiced your thoughts out loud earlier. You also realised that the prince couldn't believe someone thought that way about him.
The pang in your heart returned as you thought about what all he must have had to bear to doubt himself to this extent.
As your mind cleared, you finally took time to admire the glinting saphhire that sat in the cavity of his injured eye. You breath caught in your throat; his appearance was other-worldly.

"Yes my prince. Your beauty is ethereal." You said confidently, hoping he'd believe your words.

"How can you say that when such a hideous scar sits on my face." He asked. You could see the deep rooted doubt in his eye as he averts his gaze.
Unable to bear the pain of seeing him like this, you dared and took his face in your hands, forcing him to meet your eyes.
You ran your fingertips gingerly across his scar as you said, "I've always found you so handsome my prince. Your sharp features and violet eyes are absolutely gorgeous. Your scar does nothing but add to your ethereal aura. "
You blush at your own forwardness. But seeing his eye light up with your praise, and slight blush gracing his high cheeks gave you strength to keep going.
" Your saphhire eye makes you look divine. I say nothing but the truth my prince." You said sincerely.

Aemond was so taken aback at your sincere and kind words he couldn't help but feel tears prickling his eyes. He casted his gaze downward to hide it.
But you already saw it. Your own heart couldn't bear his sadness anymore as your eyes watered to match his.
You didn't know where you were getting the bravery from , but you knew that at that moment all you wanted was for the man you pined for, to smile.
You gently craddle his head and pull him to yourself. You were standing up so his face was pressed into your stomach. You gently caressed his hair while both of you basked in the silence. You felt his inner hurt child was showing himself as leaned into your embrace.
After quite a while the prince tugs at your sleeve to urge you to sit beside him, and you oblige.

He tucks in a stray hair behind your ears and says, "I've been wanting to do that from quite some time." His slight smile as he said that made your heart soar.
He cupped your face with one hand and ran small circles on your cheek with him thumb as he looked at you lovingly.
You were utterly confused. Why would the prince treat you like this? Was it only because of your praises?
Aemond sensed your confusion and his smile grew in amusement.
"Hydrangea, hyacinth and Aster. Your favourite flowers aren't they? "
You looked at him with surprise. How did he know that. You loved to gaze at those flowers for hours as there vibrant violet reminded you of the prince's eye.

"Honey wine, lemon cakes and gingerbread." He went on to list your favourite drink and food items.
You still look at him completely puzzled.

"H-how do you know all that, you're Grace?"

He chuckled.
"I know much more about you than you think I do sweet girl."
He brought your face close and pressed a small kiss to your forehead. Your heart felt like bursting out of it's cage.
He pressed another feather kiss on the tip of your nose.

"You have no idea how enraptured you've made with you."

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