Glowering Daggers pt.2

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It was too warm, you groggily thought to yourself.
You shifted to lay on your back as you rubbed your eyes awake. You stretched your arms against the heavy covers wrapping you .

"You're finally up dear niece."

Your eyes shot open at the deep, husky voice. You knew exactly who it was. You realised you were on a huge unfamiliar bed and by its side stood the man who made a mess of you mere hours ago. Visuals of the delirious events you partook in, came flooding back to you making you blush deep red.

"Why did you bring me here?" You hissed at him.

You were appalled at his audacity to bring you along to his chambers at night.
His smirk never wavered. He was looking down at you with a look of a hunter who caught his prey; the things that expression did to you, you wouldn't dare say out loud.
"Was I supposed to leave you in that hallway? In that state?" He said while his eyes pointedly travelled down your body.

You follow his gaze to see yourself in a disheveled state. Your dress had slid down almost more than halfway down your chest, hanging dangerously over your nipple.
Your hair was a mess and neck covered in fresh red bruises.

You frantically try to cover yourself back up.
" Nothing I haven't seen already." Says Aemond in a cocky tone, his eyes glinting in the low light of the chambers as his eyes fixed on your cleavage.

"How dare you bring me here ! Do you realise what you've done?" You shout at him frustrated as you scamper out of the bed to head towards the door.

But before your hand could even put three steps towards the door, Aemond swiftly strode towards you and yanked you to his chest.

"Stop touching me Aemond. Do I have to remind you just how much I loathe you?" You screamed at him even though you knew your words held no truth.
"Oh really? Is that why you acted like a slut for me  back in the hallway?" He growled out as he roughly grabbed your face to meet his eyes.

"You can drop the pretense sweetheart. I know just how much you want me." His voice held a hint of yearning. Was it yearning for you? Did he want you as well? Maybe , just maybe, he still held those fond memories to his heart just as you did.

You looked up at him as you struggled against his hold. "Aemond you don't understand! Our family will feed us to the dragons." You pleaded him. "Please don't do this Aemond. I'm scared."

Your desperate voice made something clench in his chest as he held you flush against him. He saw your pleading eyes on the verge of spilling tears and he shushed you gently.
He took your limp body and placed you back on the soft mattress of his bed. He settled you on his lap sideways and met your eyes with his uncovered one.

"I won't let anything happen to you, love." His quiet but assertive voice calmed you instantly. He held your face with his large palm and caressed it with his thumb.
" They would have no choice but to let me take you as my lady wife." His cocky smirk graced his handsome face yet again.
Your heart thumped at his words. You knew you shouldn't be elated but you couldn't help the way tingles ran through your body. His words gave you hope that he actually wanted you and wasn't doing this just to anguish you but to truly have you for himself.

"Aemond no. This is not right." You begrudgingly said.

"Hmm. Probably." He replied gruffly and then brought his nose behind your ear and nuzzled there.
"But you see, my dear niece, I don't give a fuck about what's right or not. And your pretty little cunt seems to be agreeing with me."

You gasped loudly as you felt his cold fingers slide against your dripping pussy. His voice sent shivers down your spine.
Your body moved at its own will. Your hips arched to get more of his touch on your wet soft folds.
Aemond obliged to your unspoken request and plunged his fingers into you; your wetness allowed him to glide inside with ease.

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