Chapter 6: A morning of different perspectives

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Discord is now dead, and my account which was from the school has now expired. Well, why? I was kind of surprised to know that the account would expire after a semester. I deleted a lot of cache files in google, and set it to the advance mode and also erased the history. I forgot that I probably also checked the login memory....when I came back to logging in at discord, the automatic login was gone. I forgot the password blah blah blah, I tried to forget it so that I can change the password only to see that I cannot access the email short, I wasn't and I won't able to access the discord account. As such it is better if none would be created, since a problem like this one might just happen months after.

Anyway it seems that I will be very vacant this time, as such I am focusing on the story rewriting, so I hope you would enjoy this.

If you like the chapter then vote and give me a comment, it would help my a lot knowing that people would still read a story like this.

-Author with -9999 Social Credits



[A bird? Well...] Time check, it is 5 am. The sun is still about to rise, but I am somehow conflicted with this being my first sunrise here.

5 girls slept in front of me, all cuddled with one another. Their wounds were already treated earlier so they're peacefully sleeping. I hesitated to give them STIM treatment for, their bodies were not made to take it. Potential kidney damage is also imminent, so no.

Instead having them take a rest near a fireplace seems to be the preferred and the best decision by far. 

[ think there would be an organization this evil to kidnap other people for money] Along with the things the BVO carried, one of them was a list of transactions and whom they were done with. I don't know what to do with this, but at least it won't be gone since INVENTORY is keeping everything safe from everything that wants to take it.

Next would be about what to do to reach Miruzo City as fast as we can. Miruzo City, the closest one according to Nene is about 5 days on foot from death mountain. How does she know? That was how long they traveled at the hands of those guys...Well, it was a bad experience, and I hope they are not traumatized by it.

Afterward...even if I arrive at the city, what do I do with them?

[Big sis....] (Tanya)

[...........Uhn] (Nene)

[Mom] (Rikka)

It is pitiful that these girls were the ones the organization had eyes upon, but at least they won't be experiencing any more of that.

As I waited for the sun to rise in the sky, I decided that it is good to clean and do proper maintenance of the gun I am using. If this bad boy malfunctions mid-fight, I will probably panic and that will affect how the encounter would end.


Somewhere in Miruzo city...

Dawn has just arrived, the sun slowly creeping to show its might on the world has just begun. Shops, small stalls, and various establishments started their daily business one by one. Smoke from bakeries rose up at their chimneys, and the smell of fresh pastries and bread then filled the streets. People waking up and roaming the streets to look for something to eat, and adventurers who woke up early just to see the first batch of quests lined up for the day. It is a very picturesque scene of a normal starting day of what life in the city is unless you peer your view at the roofs...

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