Extra Chapter

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Is an extra chapter canon to the story? Who knows...you decided it for yourself. Also I broke my promise of putting an AN only at the end of the chapter.......

Anyway, I made this to cancel any signs of stumping out.

As always have a good day~

-Your author, having the worst way to start the day


A few days before Jack found the fairy.....

Somewhere in the city, the life of the people seems to have somewhat return to normal. The only noticeable thing is the sound of childish giggles and laughter that rang in a certain street.

[Wow! You are so amazing mister golem!] (??) In a certain courtyard, the voices of children gleefully playing around can be heard alongside the sound of something heavy....like a machinery working around.

Its shadow cast quite a wide area of shade for these children to play with, but nevertheless, it was turned into a playground for

[.....................] (Ronin) It does not understand why, why would these small people come close to it when all it could do is to kill and defend. 

A titan is created for the sole purpose of being a pilot's main lifeline and partner for doing any tasks, a pilot can't perform as a pilot if a titan is not present, whereas a TITAN can't perform as a TITAN if its pilot is not present. 

A logic was created under the understanding that everything is just a part of a job, hence if it does it correctly then all is well. 

But it is confused with the current situation.

As all it knows is to kill, for it is not a heavy-chassis TITAN but rather an assault model used to carry out forward and direct attacks. Soft and vulnerable human offspring came around to play around it, thus the confusion sparked. 

What was its purpose really is? It pondered as it opened its palm slowly, allowing the children to come over and play while maintaining it at the correct height to allow no one to get hurt in case someone falls off. 

[Hehehe, I have something to give to mister golem. So take it!] (Tanya) One of the children which was Tanya, someone familiar to the memory being stored in its core, comes while carrying something.

[...............] (Ronin) It was a ring of flowers, flowers from the courtyard that her family grew. The same flowers it saw that the mother of the child in front of it grew. The flowers which were taken care of for their beauty.

[Here you go!] (Tanya) The girl reached up to it, and put it in its metallic pinky finger. 

[Wow! Did you made that?!] (??) 

[Hehehe. Of course I did!] (Tanya) The other kids couldn't help but be curious about what Tanya gave to their new friend.

[What? It is just a crown of flowers? We will make one too!] (??)

[Mee too!!!!] (??)

[Cowm om then!!] (??) 

As it saw them got off from its palm, it felt...a weird feeling. As if it wanted them to stay some time more, but knowing how the beings were curious by nature...it understood. It always understands everything it learns on the way, and segregates the information it learned into many categories.

[Sup partner, you're quite decorated by the kids aren't you?] (Jack) Until a familiar voice comes from behind. 

Hearing the voice automatically allowed its AI to understand who it is. 

[I don't understand it pilot] 

[A lot of things are new to you, right? That's fine, just take it slowly.] (Jack) He sat at the bench nearby the giant robot, looking over as it pondered over to the new things it is experiencing.

[My purpose is solely to allow the pilot to accomplish a mission, to kill the enemies, and to protect the pilot] 

[Yes] (Jack)

[But what about those that are in need of protection as they can't defend themselves?] 

His partner suddenly smiled as he looked directly at its eye.

[What do you think is needed to be done then?] (Jack)

It became silent as it came up with multiple answers to a question that was obvious........unsure of what to say, it then moved its gaze at the playing children.

[Well I guess I don't need to say anything further, I will be back inside] (Jack) As its partner left it in the courtyard while pondering, an answer was then constructed........

The most concrete, the best, and the most viable answer it has selected from countless lineups of ethical and moral answers arrive. It looked at the innocent expression of the playing children and the adults watching at the scene with warm smiles. It's confusion subsided, leading to the bringing up of the best answer it could come up...and it was......


[Fufufufu~] (Marie) 

[Eh? Mom, what's going on?] (Nene) Peeking at the backdoor's doorway are two women, an adult woman and her daughter. Looking at the sight of a gigantic being playing around with the neighborhood children so carefully just made one of them smile. 

It knew what being sensitive is, it knew how soft the bodies of these kids are, and it knows how to care.

[That thing, it was the one that helped us escape the forest safely] (Nene) Its towering figure is quite a sight to behold, after all it was as tall as their inn and but more slender than an ordinary golem.

Despite those features however, that did not stop the curious nature of the children to snoop around and play around it.

[I can't believe that something like that exists, the last time I remembered a golem summoner came to this city was when you were still 15. I believed he was a great sage? I can't remember his name other than his feature of having a long white beard that reached his stomach] (Marie)

[Really? I was 15 when he visited? I can't remember any of that happening though...] (Nene)

[Yes he did visit, at 15 when you were still wetting your bed] (Marie)

[Mom!!!!!] (Nene) 

[Fufufufu~ Ara? But you're not like that anymore, right?] (Marie)

[MOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!] (Nene) The two retreated to the kitchen as Nene chased after her mother.


RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Where stories live. Discover now