Chapter 3 - It's Strange

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Chuuya woke up to the sound of snoring. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. When he fully woke up he still heard snoring. In confusion, he looked in the direction of the sound.

When he looked down to the side of the bed he saw a wavy-haired man fast asleep right next to him, snoring.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Chuuya exclaimed, slapping Dazai's sleeping face.

"Huh, what?" Dazai tiredly said, jolting upwards, "Oh, Chuuya. Good morning."


"What do you mean! So far this is not a good morning you idiot! What are you doing here!?" Chuuya said repeating his question.

"What are you talking about? This is my bed."

"I know it's your bed, but you said you were going to sleep on the couch, so why are you here?!"

"Oh ya, "Dazai stated now fully awake, "I couldn't sleep on the couch and it was way comfier in bed with you. Chuuuya~."

"What the hell. I swear, if you pull another stunt like this again I'm seriously going to kill you." Chuuya said annoyed.

"Well whatever, come to the dining table when you're ready. I'll also give you some clothes to wear for today, it'll be lying on the desk over there." Dazai explained getting up and grabbing an outfit for Chuuya.

"I'm fine in this! I don't need to wear your clothes, wait! Why am I in your clothes?!" Chuuya said confused about why he was dressed in an oversized white t-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants.

"Oh that, I changed you while you were sleeping. Your clothes smelled bad when I layed next to you. Also, the reason you can't wear your clothes is because they're in the wash." Dazai said closing the door to the room.

Chuuya was now left alone in Dazai's room to comprehend everything that happened in the past 5 minutes. Chuuya slept with Dazai and Dazai changed him in his sleep.

Chuuya didn't want to accept the fact that he actually slept well last night, so he just ignored it and hoped that it didn't happen again, if it did Chuuya would decide to sleep on the couch.

After coming up with a backup plan in case something like that happened again he then continued to the desk where pants and a shirt lay. Chuuya picked them up and put them on. He then continued out the door and to the dining table. There was no one there so Chuuya assumed Dazai was in the kitchen. When Chuuya got to the kitchen he saw Dazai in the yellow apron again making an omelet. Chuuya couldn't understand why he wore an apron, it was not like he needed it.

Although he wanted to know the answer he didn't want a long story. So instead of asking he just knocked on the frame like he did last time to get Dazai's attention. When Dazai turned to look at him he just stood there for a while.

"Chuuya, who said you could look like that?" Dazai said looking at the Chuuya leaning against the frame with an oversized white button-up shirt and a pair of black jeans.

Even though it looked similar to his pajamas, the oversized shirt hung down low revealing part of Chuuya's collarbone.

"What is that supposed to mean? Just hurry up and make the omelets. I'm hungry and I don't care what you think about my looks." Chuuya replied not knowing what he looked like.

Chuuya then went over to the dining table where he waited for breakfast. Not long after he had seated himself Dazai came out with two plates. Both of them had an omelet and two pieces of bacon.

Chuuya ate the food and almost made the same mistake he made the last time. The food tasted really good and he ate it fast.

"Wow, you ate it so fast and you aren't even going to say anything about my cooking this time?" Dazai said mocking him.

The End of the Road (Dazai x Chuuya)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant