Chapter 7 - It's Too Soon For This

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It was the day of Dazai's trial. Everything was silent. Dazai was on a podium with his hands cuffed. Friends and the detective agency sat behind him, the judge in front of him.

"Mr. Osamu, do you have any idea why you're here today?" the judge spoke with confidence.

Dazai didn't answer. He only looked at the floor in silence, he wasn't even paying attention to his surroundings. He had lost all hope.

"Sir, if you wish not to answer then your fate will be sealed by only the words of the people behind you." said the Judge.

Dazai still looked at his feet.

"Very well, will Atsushi Nakajima please come to the front?"

With this, the trial went on until every person in the room besides Dazai had a chance to speak. After that, the conclusion was made.

"Mr. Osamu, the court case is closed. You will spend 17 days in the county jail."

"Bang bang." The sound of the judge's gavel echoed throughout the room. With that, Dazai finally woke from his trance.

People came up behind Dazai and escorted him out of the courthouse and to the local jail. When they got there Dazai still said nothing with a solemn look on his face. Dazai then arrived at his cell where he had a cellmate.

"Hey man, why're you here? Also, just letting you know I have the top bunk, so don't even try sleeping up there." Said a bald man with tattoo's over his arms and chest.

Dazai just walked past him and leaned against the wall and slowly sunk to the floor.

"Hey man, what's up with you? Don't you know it's rude to ignore people?" Dazai's cellmate said, "Tsk, whatever man."

Dazai sat on the ground for hours in silence, even his cellmate was growing in concern.


Ten days had passed.

"Clang clang."

A guard banged his baton on the bars of the cell.

"Hey, Osamu! You have a visitor, get up so I can take you to him." The guard demanded.

Dazai listened but said nothing. He was then escorted to the visitation room where he sat in a chair in front of a glass wall. Behind the glass was Kunikida.

"Dazai, what were you thinking pulling a knife on Ranpo like that, especially for him of all people?" Kunikida asked not realizing it was a sensitive subject at the time.

Dazai didn't answer but looked down and flinched a little when he brought up what happened. Dazai then said only five words.

"When can I see him?"

"What was that? I couldn't hear you through the glass?" Kunikida asked leaning closer.

"When can I see him?" Dazai repeated.

"Are you serious? I hope you're joking Dazai. Why in hell would you want to see that psycho?"

Dazai didn't say anything else he simply got more upset and then walked away. Kunikida watched this happen and was confused. He didn't know what he said wrong.

Dazai paused for a second before leaving.

"What's going to happen to him?" Dazai asked Kunikida.

He looked at Dazai and then answered, "I don't know yet, his trial is in a few days but I highly doubt anything good will come."

Dazai then continued back to his cell where he then just sat again.


It was now the day of Chuuya's trial.

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