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Walker stood there quietly for a moment, wondering what the hell had just happened. What odd people she has met on this train, thought Walker. She shrugged, having no care to find out the mans reasoning for running off.  She set down her drink, grabbed a water bottle and headed out of the car.

After passing a couple cars, Walker ran into another woman, She had a man following right behind her. The two women locked eyes then straighten out their respective outfits, attempting to look slightly less disheveled, more so Walker then the women clad in pink. Walker stepped to the side, letting the pair pass by, the women stopped. She gave Walker a wide smile then continued walking on to the next car.

Walker stared at the women as she left, shrugging it off once again and continuing after Tangerine. She crossed through several more cars before falling upon the bar car once again. She passed an attendant pushing a cart, giving her a small smile. Walker had heard the wheels of the cart stop moving, making Walker sease movement as well. The air was stiff, something wasn't right.

In an insatnt the blonde women pushing the cart lept at Walker, syringe in hand. Walker quickly dodged the attack, throwing herself as far away from the women as possable. "What the fuck?" Walker screamed at the women, frantically looking around for the nearest available weapon.

A fucking glass bottle..

Without much time to think, the blonde women went to stab Walker with her syringe. Walker used her bottle to block the attack, being quite shocked that the bottle actually managed to block the attack.

Both women look surprised. The blonde not taking too kindly to the blocking of her attack.

The two struggled for a moment, Walker pushing the blonde off of her and across the floor by use of the bottle.

"Alright Bitch, you're testing my patience" the women shouted as she picked herself off the floor and readied herself in an offensive position.

"What even is that?" Walker questioned, nodding towards the syringe. "You can't just come at me with that shit and expect me to just be fine with it"

"Boomslang venom" the woman cheekily smiled "worlds most venomous snake" she added

Walker too readied herself, bottle in hand. "You killed the kid, didn't you?What is your deal lady?" She asked, in a calm yet slightly frazzled manner. "You have something I want, Bitch" the blonde said she she cocked her had at Walker.

Walker thought for a moment "shit you want the case?" She practically yelled.
The two women narrowed there eyes, then once again kept at each other.
Walker hitting the blonde, just barley missing the point of the syringe. Or so she thought.

The needle was now sticking out of Walkers arm, she ripped it out without a second thought, and shoved it into the blondes neck.

Both women were shocked, just staring at each other. The blonde went to pull something out of her breast pocket, an antidote Walker assumed. Thinking fast on her feet, Walker snatched it from her hands and injected herself with it.

The blonde womens face contorted into a horrified look of panic, as she grabbed onto Walker to keep her balance. The two slid to the floor, Walker resting to women against the base of the bar counter.

"I am so so sorry, can I get you anything?" Walker questioned.
The blonde just looked at her, as blood began streaming from her eyes and ears.

Handing the women a tissue for her face, Walker took a seat next to the now dying blonde. She accepted the tissue gratefully, though not using it.

"Thanks Bitch" was the last thing she said before she ceased breathing.
Walker then stood up, gave the women a solum look and continued on her way. She knew she had to get off this damn train with her case, one way or another.

She reached the groups seat in the quiet car in utter silence, biting on her nails as she did so. She quickly slid into the seat directly beside the deceased son of the White Death.

She pull her face in her arms and sighed, looking over to Lemon across to her right rather than Tangerine in front of her.

And boy did he notice.

"Still got the case?" She questioned the "twins," keeping her eyes fixed on Lemon, who patted the case under the table.

"I see you got into more trouble love" Tangerine added, staring at Walker with his arms crossed. She glanced over at him, locking eyes for a moment before turning away.

"What of it?" She asked, finally turning to face him, a look of disdain spreading across her face.

"We'll, you might not make it to Kyoto if you keep going on like this" Tangerine stated leaning forward, very proud of his observation.

The two looked at each other, Tangerine giving a curt wink at the women.

She felt flustered?

No, nope! Not on a mission. The only feeling she should be having is regret, regret for even taking this mission! For having to fill in for Carver, for getting stuck with that asshole and his very pleasant brother, and for getting caught in this whole case business in the first place.

He felt flustered too.

Of course he didn't show it, that would be catastrophic. One of the men responsible for the Bolivia job? Having feelings? That would be simply too much.

He did admit, she was attractive and under different circumstances he could see himself asking her out. But not now, not ever. Chances of surviving this mission were slim in his mind, now with the White Deaths son being dead, he was sure they'd face some sort of repercussion.

But for now, they'd try and enjoy the last 7 hours the two had left together

And Lemon..

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