Chapter 24. Lovers

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🎶 True Love (ft. Lily Allen)

Published on 14.12.2022

why do you rub me up the wrong way?
why do you say the things that you say?
sometimes i wonder how we ever came to be,
but without you im incomplete. ❞


The next morning, Inaaya woke up to a surprise. Her brother had sent her momos from the best momos corner in Pune. It was cute and when she read the note he had sent alongwith the food, she couldn't help but giggle.

The note read :

"For my favourite sister, my favourite dish, from my favourite place, with love."

"I'm your only sister, Bhai." She shook her head.

She had her momos in peace in her room instead of joining the rest for the breakfast. It was strange how nobody bothered to call her too. Inaaya freshened up and took the meds for the headache she was bearing since the time she had opened her eyes. When she got to the living room, the sight made her squint her eyes.

Ayansh sat with Emma and Rohan, even Sameer had joined them and they seemed to be discussing something important. When Inaaya walked up to them, they stopped talking and exchanged guilty glances amongst themselves which made her suspicious.

"Good morning." She greeted with slight hesitance. "I'm sorry for being in my room. Did I miss something important?"

Rohan and Emma looked at each other and then back at Inaaya and together they shook their head in denial.

Her suspicions increased. Her eyes darted off to the files kept on the table. "What were y'all discussing about? If it's about work then why wasn't I involved?" She looked at them for answers. "Sameer?" She arched a brow at him, unable to figure out what's wrong.

"It's nothing really," Sameer chuckles nervously. "We're anyways done."

Inaaya felt herself tearing up. She couldn't understand what was wrong and the way she was being cornered intentionally or unintentionally didn't sit right with her. Maybe Ayansh noticed her state so he decided to speak up.

"We were discussing about Mr. Sinha's case."

Inaaya's frown deepened. "And why wasn't I part of this discussion? I'm involved in this project too."

Ayansh stared at her with a blank look. "We need this project, Inaaya," he emphasized.

"Yes, I know that. I'm aware how important this project is." Her voice comes out slightly agitated. "What I don't get is why was I kept out of this discussion that y'all are having over breakfast? Nobody even bothered to call me."

"Your brother," he sighed.

"Excuse me?"

"Kartik Rai is your brother." Ayansh states calmly and she resists the urge to roll her eyes as if she didn't knew it. "He needs the project too. Mr. Sinha will give to either of us and we need to make sure that we prove that our company is more capable and can be trusted over his. We need to be better."

Inaaya blinks, feeling dumb. "I still don't get why was I kept out of this discussion."

Rohan, Emma and Sameer stare at her with pitiful gazes.

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