Epilogue : Rekindled

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🎶 Spotify playlist : Rekindled - staynebulous

Published on 15.03.2023

Note : A freakish longggggggg chapter. I'm shocked because it's actually 8k+ words. UFF!! Hope y'all don't give up in the middle or get bored or simply end up disliking it. I'll cry, I swear. Anyways, enjoy reading and don't forget to give me your views about the story, about the characters, the good as well as the bad, I NEED TO HEAR IT ALL. Hope y'all won't disappoint. Get started ❤️


Ayansh stood in the hallway like a lonely, deserted road.

Why was Cambridge so far away? Why wasn't it like two or three hours from flight?

It was Valentine's Day and everything that he had been planning since last couple of weeks had gone down the drain because he was stuck in the country due to his infuriating friends and their commitments.

There was a product launch in Neha's company and without much thinking she had suggested the idea of bringing Ayansh Mehra as the chief guest. He had denied, outrageously denied when he heard about it on 12th of February. He couldn't believe Neha would do something like this when she knew he had his tickets booked to leave on 13th. He stuck to his decision for almost half an hour in which Neha as if her life depended on it tried to convince him to agree to being the chief guest.

Ayansh kept arguing that she shouldn't have given her word without concerning him and who the fuck does a product launch on Valentine's Day? And Neha reminded him, in a not so polite manner that it wasn't a fucking national holiday. Alas, Ayansh had to give in to all the blackmailing for the good times sake. And now, since the product launch was done and almost everybody had left, he stood in the hallway like a lonely, deserted road.

"I'm free," Neha says, tapping on his shoulder, looking ridiculously merry. "Let's go," she smiles.

It was around three thirty in the afternoon when they left. Neha drove them over at a restaurant for the lunch.

"Out of all places, you had to come here?" Ayansh complains when he sees the surrounding.

It was the same area where Inaaya and him used to come when he taught her how to ride a bike, the same area where they broke, the same area which they considered their place.

Neha shrugs. "Everyone comes here. Stop being so pissy."

"I've all rights to act pissy." He huffs as they sit across each other.

"It's just a Valentine's Day. It comes every year." Neha says as if she didn't see a point why not being able to visit Inaaya on this day made such a huge difference.

Ayansh gives her a dubious look.

Neha checks her watch.

He frowns.

The waiter comes and takes their order.

"Lemon rice seriously?" Neha stares at him with disbelief when she realises he had ordered Inaaya's favourite food. "You're sick."

"Don't you've plans with your boyfriend? Why are you here with me?" Ayansh asks instead.

Neha rolls her eyes. "Unlike you, I don't give this day much importance. Everyday is a day of love if you want it to be. And I thought after everything you've done, I atleast owe you a lunch at a good— "

Ayansh tuned himself out by darting his attention to his phone. He again dialled Inaaya's number and this time she didn't pick up. He breathed out heavily in exasperation. Everything seemed to be going against him. He had been trying to call her since yesterday, half the times her phone was out of network area and the other times, it said it was switched off. And now, she ain't picking it up.

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