Chapter Nineteen

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Sorry I'm late xx

 Nobody came for five days. They received and sent flurries of letters, and the aurors rotated their shifts every twelve hours, constantly watching the house. Remus stayed in his room mostly, feverishing starving himself by declining her food and ocassionally pacing back and forth in the bedroom he and Sirius shared.

 The radio buzzed in the kitchen every hour she was awake, and she read through letters that Order members had sent. Sirius's face was one among many on the front page. Lestranges arrested, Crouch Junior too, Malfoy, Rookwood, Rosier, Yaxley everybody she'd watched through her microscope these last years. Finally, she was triumphant.

 And yet she had saved no one. Not even Remus, who sank further into his pit each day.

 She made the Prophet too, further back than she was used too, and the Malfoys as well. All of them under suspicion; one hiding away but innocent, the others guilty and out in public. Regulus's face joined her own, forever bringing old shadows to light. And always was the question: "Where is the Boy Who Lived?"

 But there at last was one person she could save, even if it was from Sirius Black's kitchen table. And when Albus Dumbledore knocked on their door on the fifth day it was to answer their questions, reassure them, and inform them of their freedom.

 What he had expected was tears from Silvanna and cries of anguish from Remus when he told them of Sirius's confession and his certain guilt. He got neither. Silvanna sat perfectly still, while Remus only stormed upstairs.

 'I'm sure you're concerned about your public image,' he began, 'but the Ministry are doing an interview with the Daily Prophet about your help in the war.'

 'Actually I was going to ask about Harry-'

 'He is safe with his relatives,' Dumbledore interruted, 'and now onto your brother-'

 'With respect Professor, I don't give a shit about Severus, rotting in Azkaban will be plenty healthy for him.' He raised an eyebrow but remained silent, a slight twinkle in his eye. 'I'm taking you to court, Professor, over custody for Harry. My lawyers will be in touch with the details.'

 'Your lawyers?'

 'Yes Professor. Was there anything else?'

 To her surprise he produced a small smile. 'No. That will be all Miss Black.'


 Remus had become very solitary, but she wasn't concerned about him at the moment. All she cared about was Harry, and they had a solid case. She could do this, and she would.

 The courtroom was in the lower levels of the Ministry, so come the day of the trial all she had to do was make it safely through the guest entrance with her lawyers. The perfect team: Mr Mellows, the best their was and the Black family lawyer, who had had an affinity for Regulus and had helped her get to grips with finincial law in his absence. Oliver Wringinglow, his assistant, who had the joys of good-looks and eloquent speech on his side. And Mary Watts, a specialist in children's protective law.

 The only thing she hadn't thought of were the swathes of press outside the Ministry and waiting for her, but the Aurors took care of that. They were through in no time, and her carefully crafted outfit was photographed plenty. Cream chiffon with a deep purple bow and a cloak with a fur trim that matched. And for the occasion, she'd pulled out an old pair of her stilettos.

 The first half of the trial went well. She was financially well-equipped, a home-owner, highly qualified, and able to begin work at Gringotts if she needed to supplement her income. The Potters had never intended for Harry to be looked after by family, evident through Sirius Black's appointment as Godfather.

 'But this,' announced Dumbledore's lawyer during the second half, 'is precisely what makes Madame Black so ill-equipped for raising the young Mister Potter. His parents put their trust into Sirius Black, which was a severe lapse in judgment. Surely in their absence, the responsibility falls upon Mr and Mrs Dursley, who also have a child of their own?

 'May I ask you Madame Black, what is your relationship to Bellatrix Lestrange?'


 'You're cousins, are you not?'


 'So you deny your relation to her at all.'

 'That's correct.'

 'Would you like to explain how that would be possible? Your late husband and Lestrange were closely related.'

 Mellows objected to that, which almost made her smile. She and Bellatrix had no relation technically, only Bellatrix and Regulus.

 'What then is your affiliation with the Malfoy family?'


 'None whatsoever? So you deny the countless times you've been sighted with them or at their residence throughout the war?'

 'Objection leading the witness.' Oh how she loved Mellows. He was probably being paid a bonus by Walburga but who cared? She knew she'd keep Harry far away from them.

 'I'd like to bring light to the fact that while Madame Black may have been cleared, here is the list of her friends and relations who were not.

 'Sirius Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Regulus Black, Bartemius Crouch Junior - a close friend of Regulus and Silvanna Black - and Peter Pettigrew. Two of these her lifelong school friends, one her husband. Could it be anymore obvious? If there is any question whatsoever to a child's safety it shouldn't matter how much money that person might have at their disposal. There is no point in speculating what Lily and James's wishes might have been when one thing is clear. Harry's safety is not garaunteed in Madame Black's care.'

 Dumbledore did not look at her while the verdict was discussed. And when it was announced, the world shattered around her like glass. 'Mister Potter will remain in the care of Vernon and Petunia Dursley. This case is dismissed.

 When she got home, she sat in the hallway for a little while and began to cry. And when she stopped and looked around she realised something.

 Remus had gone.

 She was alone once more.

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