Chapter 7 - Akala Island

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Talking: Hi

Thinking: Is he dead

Action: *stabs him to death*

Telepathy: can you hear me?


I need to stop staying up this late. It's only 1:30 AM I can stay up a little longer. Red you keep surprising me again and again.

But also make me suspicious. It's common nature for a pokemon to work well with a trainer, especially young ones. Red seems to be better alone then with ash.

Pokemon normally start to act like this when they get older. Even though riolus to tent to mature quickly, but even they don't act like this until 4-6 months after birth. He also evolved way faster then he should have.

He's throwing normal pokemon nature out the window. Though maybe I'm over thinking this. Didn't Lille say Red could use telepathy, in the morning I'll try to talk to Red and get some answers.

Kukui: *grabs a blanket* sleepy *falls asleep*



Red woke up before everyone else. He got up and found himself some food. He returned to the couch and turned on the TV.

Red: At this point I don't give a shit if I wake anyone up

Red looked at the clock and it was 6:00 AM. A while later rotom woke up and used the 'wake up ash' protical. Ash woke up, got dressed, and went downstairs. Seeing Red in the process.

Ash: Red, you're awake, are you ok!

Red: yes I'm okay, just tired

Ash: lille was right, you can you telepathy!

Red: yes I can

Ash: So Cool!!

Pikachu, rockruff and rotom appear. Together the group talk about Red's fight with the Island Guardian. Rotom comes to the conclusion that they only tied because of Red's exhaustion. If they fought again, Red would be Victorious.

Kukui comes up from the basement and says hi. Then begins to make breakfast. He fails to notice that Red is sitting there with ash.

Pikachu: did he even notice you?

Red: don't think so

Rockruff: he must be really tired

Ash got up to help kukui with sandwiches. Rockruff and Red keep watching TV. Rotom and pikachu discuss their plans for the day.

Kukui: food's ready!

Everyone gets up to get food. Then kukui finally noticed Red.

Kukui: Red, I need to talk

Red gets serious when he heard kukui. He knew that kukui was suspicious of him. Red was just waiting for the day when kukui confronts him.

Red: when and where

Kukui: now, in the basement

Kukui then walks into the basement. Everyone looks at Red confused, especially rockruff. Red just stands up and follows kukui into the basement.

When Red enters the basement, he sees kukui sitting down in his chair. Red takes a seat on the couch and kukui begins the conversation.

Kukui: Red, I would like to ask you questions

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