Chapter 63

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I made my way around Target drinking my Starbucks and waiting for stuff to put it self in my cart. Target was my entire happy place!

I just couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Carter was really done with me.

I walked past the baby section and I immediately got sad.

Don't you got a dead ass baby! I heard a female voice say from in front of me. I looked up and it was little Miss Kierra. I took the top off my drink and threw it in her face. She was in shock that I did such a thing. I didn't give a fuck though! She wiped her face off with a baby boy shirt and started trying to fight me. I punched her in her face and she was able to grab my hair. My hits was connecting until I slipped on the floor from my drink. She fell on top of me and the security started pulling her off me. I kicked her in the face and they fell. The other security officer was grabbing me and she was yelling and screaming.

The police is on the way! The manager said.

Get the fuck off me! I yelled pushing away from the officer. He handcuffed me as I just stood there looking stupid as she kept going off. I was mad as fuck right now! I know I didn't just stoop down to this level oh ghettoness and tumbled with this lady at a store.

Yeah okay Carter I bet I see you, I bet I see you! She yelled into her phone.

Look we are going to release you, your cooperating you just can't come back in here again! The officer and store manager said to me. They uncuffed me and handed me my purse. The officer walked me out the store and to my car. My phone started ringing as I pulled out the lot.


What did you do? Carter asked mad.

I did nothing!

So what the fuck is this bitch talking about?

I was in Target she seen me before I seen her and I literally just had stopped in front of the baby section it was all of 2 seconds...she came out her funky ass mouth and gone say "Don't you gotta dead baby!" I fuckin lost it!"

So you gone risk going to jail and losing your job over that?

It's not just that Carter she keeps disrespecting me! She violated the fuck out of me when she just said that!

I'm getting shit handled.

Are you? No seriously are you really? Cause by the looks of it your not. This is like the 4th time she done came at me! And you ain't do shit!

Asia I am really having a rough day right now I just said I'm handling it! He said so angry and sternly.

Whatever dude.

He hung up the phone and I sat it back down. I can not stand a accident baby mama! Like bitch you could not be this fuckin mad cause he finally moved on.

I pulled up to my house and Harm was just getting off the bus. She had a sad look on her face. She didn't wanna talk nor did she want to eat. She went upstairs to her room and just closed the door.

After this day I was having I definitely needed a nice glass of wine.

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