Chapter 68

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Go back to sleep! Carters voice said softly as he came in and laid next to me. I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his body and laid my head on his chest.

How did you get in?

You think I only had one set of keys?! He laughed a bit.


Yes baby? He asked softly.

When I was 3 my dad left our family. Said he didn't wanna be a father and working and everything was just to much on him. My mom met a man about a year later, turns out he was just grooming my older mom started hanging out with some lady and she got her hooked on drugs and turning tricks. The guy started touching my older sister grooming her to be his wife. By the time she was 16 they was married. I was 13 and I just started to change my body filled out in all my curves. He didn't want her no more. He tried to dispose of her and tried to groom me. The whole time I knew it wasn't right. He molested me for a year. When my sister found out she was heart broken and killed him. She went mute after that. Only communicated through sign language....she said that she lost her voice and her right to speak once she let him do that to me. One day my mom left out on us and never ever came back. A year later exactly....same day....same time my sister walked out on me. I didn't have nobody! I was 15 and on my own. So when me and Dante got together I accept so much Shìt from him cause I thought he loved me. Our first few years was amazing, he was there for me! He didn't know my story but he knew I didn't have no one. Which is why I always went extra hard to take care of and protect Harmony. I didn't want her to have that hurt I did from a father leaving her so I pretty much always stayed with him so she would have him.

I'm sorry to hear that....

No one knows my story....or how I suffered alone not even the girls! Your the first person I ever told!

You know Asia we not so much different, probably why I'm So attracted to you....when I was 4 my dad was kilt in front of me brutally. I always felt like I was suppose to die with him. Thank god I didn' mom started messing with some nigga he got her hooked on started off as just coke, than she moved up to crack, by the time I was 13 I was dealing heroin to her. That's when I really lost all respect for her. She had me young which was 16, my dad was 28 when he got her pregnant! Nigga was a straight pedo but he loved her and he made her be a wife and a mom so when my dad died she felt like she was lost didn't wanna be a mom anymore. She left me with my aunt. We struggled bad all I ever knew was the streets and it's like no matter how hard you stay away you just get pulled into the Shìt every time. When I was 9 I met my BestFriends Leno and Hendrix. Leno was death but that nigga was a beast with the ball on a court. We always thought he be the one who make it out the hood and change all our lives. His mom started turning tricks and getting high leaving him alone all the time all three of us was pretty much in the same boat. All our moms was on the same shit! Bitches was strung out, dead beats, and hoes. The day I turned 10 we got into it with some 12-13 year olds. The nigga Cas liked the way we handled ourselves he was a well known respected drug dealer around here. He taught us how to rob and hit licks. Whatever we hit for him he paid us. We ain't think Shìt of it. I wanted more though. By the time I was 12 I was pushing coke in high school parties, jumped to crack on the corners, than started selling heroin. My boys was my team and we was elite. I moved Shìt like I was made for that Shìt. Cas didn't like how I was going tried to set me up on the block. Did a drive by, I caught my first bullet at 14 shot me right in the chest, Leno didn't make it he took 3 bullets! I thought I was gone die but I didn't. After I took that L and lost my brother that Shìt made me cold.......I started smoking niggas and disappearing like the air. It's how I got the name O2! I swore on my soul I was gone kill Cas and I did! Turned around and became the most powerful nigga in the hood.

Wow. It's really crazy how you can become the product of your environment! I'm sorry that you went through that. It's crazy how people hate on you when you just trying to make a living.

That's a fact, that's why I always go so hard over what I love cause I be damn if somebody take it away from me again!

I understand....

And I ain't never been in love before and I ain't never plan on no female besides my daughter having my heart.....I think I'd kill myself before I killed you. I can't handle not being able to have you in my life.

Let's not think like that baby! I'm not going no where. I love you.!

I know you do!

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