'I didn't know you speak English'

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(A/N: I don't speak Romanian, I used Google Translate so I apologize in advance haha)

Jenna was frustrated. To be fair, the word 'frustrated' didn't precisely describe how she actually felt.

She got lost in Bucharest. She just wanted to go for a walk and have a nice coffee on her own, getting away from all the stress and anxiety she was feeling. Don't get me wrong, she loved filming. She loved being Wednesday Addams, she loved working with all the amazing actors and actresses but she had her blue days. She missed her family, her friends, she missed the people in America. She even missed the country, even tho it has its own disadvantages and problems.

But mostly, she missed English. It was extremely nerve racking for her to be lost in a different city, in a different country, not being able to ask for directions because no one could understand her.

'This can't be happening' she sighed when another man left her alone on the streets. 'No one speaks fucking English in this country?! What kind of place is that?' she tangled her hand in her dark locks but she knew she can't give up, she needs to find her way back to the hotel.

You might be wondering why she didn't use her phone to call someone, get directions or just translate English to Romanian. She one hundred percent would but unfortunately her phone died an hour ago.

'Fucking shit' she groaned.

She never used swear words and she never was this stressed but this situation got the best out of her.

'Maybe I should just get a coffee like I originally planned in the first place and after that, with clear and fresh head, I could find a solution' she whispered to herself.

She walked another five minutes when she found a nice looking little café. She wasn't in the mood anymore but went inside anyways.

'Ce as putea sa-ti aduc?' the barista smiled at her.

Jenna just shook her head, she was on the verge of crying.

'I'm sorry but I don't speak Romanian. Can I get a cappuccino please?' she hated cappuccino but decided to get it anyways, 'it should be the same in every language' she assumed.

The barista nodded his head and looked at the actress again.

'Va fi douazeci si cinci de lei.'


Jenna heard giggling behind her. She was mad. How could someone laugh at her poor situation? She turned around to see the most beautiful girl she has ever laid her eyes on smiling at her.

'What's so funny? I'm struggling here as you can clearly see. And I don't care if you're literally the most gorgeous girl I've seen in my life, that's just freaking rude, man' she let out her anger. It didn't matter, you don't understand her, she thought.

'Well thank you. I didn't mean to laugh, I apologize, I just found it cute how confused you were' you spoke with a nervous smile on your face.

Jenna's eyes grew three times bigger and she mentally slapped herself in the face. Of course she complimented and took her anger out on the only girl in Bucharest who understands her.

'I'm so sorry, I didn't know you speak English' the actress looked down at her feet.

'So you just take your anger out on people who doesn't speak your language?'

'Uhm, that's not why I meant, I- I usually don't do that. I'm just a bit overwhelmed right now' Jenna rambled.

'Nu vreau să întrerup, dar sunt alți oameni la coadă' the barista joined the conversation.

'He said we shouldn't talk because we keep the line. I think you should pay for your coffee' you giggled again.

'Oh shit, sorry' the brunette looked at the guy. 'How do you say 'how much do I pay?' she turned her head to you again.

'Twenty five lei' you answered and shrugged.

Jenna paid for her drink and smiled at you before she sat down at a table.

'Of course she speaks English' she whispered to herself again.

'Do you talk to yourself a lot?' you smirked and sat down in front of her.

'Wha- no. I- I don-. No.'

'It's funny how easy it is to make you uncomfortable' you let out a little laugh. 'I'm Y/N.'

'Jenna' the actress smiled.

'So Jenna, what made you so frustrated?'

'I got lost, my phone died, literally no one speaks English here, I'm tired and I just wanna get back to my hotel and sleep' she sighed.

'Well, I speak English and I live here. I can help you' you simply said.

'That would be really nice of you' and for the first time that day, Jenna actually felt lucky.

You were breathtakingly beautiful, you were exactly her type and you were willing to help her. That's all she needed. And she found your accent extremely cute.

After finishing your hot beverages, you helped Jenna get back to her place. It wasn't a long walk, it took you approximately ten minutes. You would say you got to know her on the way to the hotel but that would be a lie. She was quite and embarrassed from what happened earlier at the café, so she decided to be silent.

'Thanks for helping again' she smiled at you and started walking to the entrance.

'I didn't do it for free' you shrugged.

'Do you want money?' Jenna asked surprised, walking back to you.

'I want your phone number' you said without thinking.

She blushed. She looked down at her feet for the second time today. Of course she had second thoughts, she lives in the States and you live in Europe. You barely know each other. But she smiled back at you and took your phone in her hands.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea. Maybe she's never gonna see you ever again after she's done filming but she wanted to get to know you more and that feeling was stronger than all her worries. Plus, she has another 5 months in Bucharest, she would rather spend it with you than with anybody else.

(A/N: I'm taking requests, Loves, so feel free to leave a comment here or message me)

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