Love is Blind

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A/N: this one is based on the Netflix reality, Love is Blind. if you haven't watched it yet, don't worry, the rules will be explained.

all characters are aged up and not famous.

TW: mention of body shaming

When I heard about this experiment, I knew it was for me. It was the opposite to what modern dating has become and I liked the idea of it. There's so many dating apps and most of them are based off of your physical appearance. It's not all about physical attraction, in the long run. It's who's holding your hand on your deathbed. I really want a woman who is going to love me for me. Not what I look like, but for who I am on the inside.

With that though in her head, Jenna entered the room, where were other 14 beautiful women. She decided to take part in a new experiment, which she was extremely excited about. She had been single for a long time. Of course, she has gone on several dates with several people but none of them felt like the one.

"Lordy lord, I'm so excited! Do you actually think this will work out for us?" her best friend, Emma walked right up to her, handing her a full glass of wine and took a sip of her own. She was the one who forced Jenna into this but the brunette didn't mind at all.

"Let's hope for the best!" and that being said, the door of their new quarter flew open and stepped in the room the one and only Ellen DeGeneres and her wife, Portia de Rossi.

"Hi there, how you guys doing?" they greeted everyone with a big grin on their faces.

"Freaking out a little bit!" one of the girls laughed, nervously playing with her ring on her finger.

"Yeah? Welcome" laughed the television host and continued. "I'm Ellen DeGeneres and this is my beautiful wife, Portia. Ladies, welcome to the blind love experiment. Here, you will choose someone to marry without ever seeing them."

"We live in such a disconnected and distracted world. Your value is often judged solely by the photo on a dating app. But everyone wants to be loved for who they are. Not for their looks, their race, their background or their income" started Portia and looked at Ellen to continue.

"Psychologists believe that emotional connection is the key to long-term material success, not physical attraction."

"So here, your relationships will begin by forging an intimate bond, with nothing to distract you" Jenna found it hilarious how they finished each other's lines. "Here's how it's gonna work. Over the next ten days, ladies, you're going to live in this side, and other 14 beautiful girls will live on the other side. You're going to speak to a stream of potential love interests" Portia started explaining the rules. "But here's the catch. Looks won't play a factor. We've taken away your devices. The only time you're going to interact is in one of the private pods. You're going to be separated by one thin wall. You won't ever get to see each other."

Jenna looked around in the quarter, tried to read the other opponents reactions. It sounded pretty strange to her, yet she was beyond excited.

"Ultimately, all decisions are yours. You can choose who you want to spend time with" continued Ellen with a slight smirk on her face. "Once you choose the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you'll propose. If they accept, you'll finally get to see your fiancée for the very first time and you're going to leave here together as an engaged couple with a wedding date. You'll move in together, see your family and friends, and in just four weeks, you'll be at your wedding. This is arguably the biggest decision you'll ever make in life so I would say don't rush it. Take your time, ladies. Try to get to know as many girls as possible, so you can make the best decision."

Jenna Ortega ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now