Fake it till you make it

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A/N: everyone is aged up in this, also Jenna isn't an actress, she's a doctor in this one. 

Jenna's point of view:

I knocked on Y/N's door for the third time this week. She's a really nice girl but she annoys the hell out of me.

'Jenna, hi!' She greeted me with a big smile on her face.

'I assume you know why I'm here.. again' I started.

'I know, and I'm so sorry but I still can't pay you rent. Look, I'll get my paycheck this Friday, I promise, paying you is gonna be the first thing I do. Please.' I sighed.

'Fine. Friday. If the money isn't on my account by then, you're out' I stated firmly.

She nodded her head, smiled weakly and closed the door on me. I swear to god, this girl is going to ruin me. Every single month is the same, she plays this stupid game every single time I ask her to pay the fucking rent. But this is gonna be the last time. It has to be. I'm way too nice with her and she's clearly taking advantages of that.

Just when I got back to my own apartment and was about to relax and don't mind annoying Y/H/C haired girls in my life, my phone started to ring.

'Markus' I answered without thinking, it was my brother after all.

'I have big news Jen, I asked Emily to marry me and she said 'yes'! Be free on the weekend and come home, we're gonna celebrate our engagement. There's gonna be a lot of people attending, so, I hope you don't mind sharing a room with mom. I assume you're not bringing anyone, right? Not to sound rude but you never do.'

'Why would you even say that?' I raised my voice, getting annoyed the second time that day, but this time at my brother. It was just 11 am. 

'Come on, Jenna! We know you too well. Relationships are just not for you and there's nothing wrong with that, it's okay. I mean, someone has to take those poor cats from the shelter home.'

'You know what?! I will just call you back, I don't have time for your bullshit right now' I said and not waiting for Markus to say anything else, I hung up.

That is what my family thinks of me? The 29 year old cat lady who's never gonna find true love, ever and will die with 45 cats. Seems fair. But how could I find someone when apparently everyone is scared of an independent woman that knows exactly what she wants, not afraid to say what's on her mind and not playing games. These days, it looks like people just want flings, casual relationships and someone they can ruin completely. I would rather live with cats than be in a relationship that's toxic and just brings me down. 

But for now, I'm have to prove my family wrong. I'm going to prove them that I'm perfectly capable of finding and being in a relationship with a woman, not just with my cats.

The next day I was standing in front of Y/N's door - again - with a bottle of white wine in my hand.

'It's not Friday. I can't pay you right now' she opened the door with an annoyed look in her Y/E/C eyes.

'I am not here for your money, I need to talk to you. Can I come in?' I asked, gazing down at the wine in my right hand, smiling a little at the younger girl.

For a minute she was just standing there in silence, studying my whole presence. I was wondering what was going on in her mind. This girl is strange to say the least. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm bipolar. Showing up mad yesterday, asking for her money and the next day casually stopping by with a bottle of wine... if I was her, I would probably think I'm bipolar too or that something is seriously wrong with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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