Client Clinging 101: Focus on Client Retention

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Did you Know? Most agencies lose 20-40% of their clients every year (yikes!). 

 Focusing on retaining 90-100% of your clients should be your goal. 

Agencies be like: "Sell, sell, sell!". Then onboarding's all sunshine and rainbows. But after that? Crickets. 

 This client ghost town is where your business goes to die. Focus on fixing this black hole, or prepare for a client churn apocalypse!

So, how do we bridge the gap? Here's the magic formula!

Enough Project Managers (and good ones, not just warm bodies!) : You need enough PMs to handle all your projects like a boss , keeping deadlines met and things running smoothly (Deadlines met, clients happy - that's the name of the game!)

Client Chats That Don't Suck: Go beyond the boring business talk. (Get to know your clients as humans!) Regular check-ins help you identify potential problems before they erupt (and uncover new ways to make them money - with you, of course!)

Show, Don't Tell: Don't just talk about your amazing work, prove it! Regularly showcase the real impact you're having on their business. (Make them feel like marketing legends!)

It's that simple! These steps will ensure happy clients who stick around forever ♾️.

Got questions? Hit us up in the comments! (We don't bite... unless you're bad at client retention. Then, maybe a little nibble.)

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