Creating a Predictable Pipeline: Don't Be a Flop (Seriously)

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The first step to a predictable pipeline is knowing your numbers . Without this, you're toast (seriously burnt toast). 

You gotta know exactly:

How many deals you need to closeProposals you gotta send outMeetings you need to bookLeads you gotta generateTraffic you need to bring in

Then, here's the kicker: Plan for 10-15% MORE than those numbers (This lets you pick the best clients, like picking the best cherries on the tree).

Next up, it's strategy time - both short-term and long-term . Why both? Think of it like food - you need some for now (short-term) and some for later (long-term).

Short-term strategies 

Examples of short term strategies:

- Paid Search Ads 

- Paid Social Ads 

- Cold Email Outreach 

- Cold LinkedIn Outreach

Long-term strategies 

Examples of long term strategies: 

- SEO 

- Building a Personal Brand 

- Building a Corporate Brand 

- Content Marketing 

- Building a Referral Network

Agencies Fail by Trying to Do Too Much at Once ‍♀️

They underestimate the hard work it takes to do each strategy well. You'll get way more traction focusing on mastering Paid Search Ads (like a laser beam ) than trying to juggle Ads, Social, and Cold Outreach at once (that's a recipe for dropping the balls ‍♀️).

Same goes for long-term - focus on ONE and REALLY nail it (like becoming a Content Marketing Ninja ).

Final Pipeline Thoughts (Super Important!):

Do BOTH short-term and long-term strategies!

Short-term only = hitting a wall (limited reach and budget).

Long-term only = running out of cash before you see results .

We'll talk about hiring the right people next to help you crush these goals!

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