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Your scream echoed through the house and Chris was convinced the house was on fire. Or maybe someone broke in and was holding a knife to your throat.

That's how horrified you sounded.

He dropped his controller and jumped to his feet when he heard your footsteps coming down the stairs and a few minutes later you appeared with a towel on your head, dressed in your fluffy robe.

"What's wrong, babe?" He asked, not understanding why you were so afraid.

"There's a big fucking spider on the headboard! It's so fucking big and disgusting!" You were talking so fast as you grabbed his hand tugging him upstairs to show him the spider.

"Babe, slow down" He laughed when he knew what the fuss was about.

"I'm not slowing down, there's a fucking...tarantula on our bed!"

"A tarantula!" Chris gasped dramatically. "That sounds terrifying"

"It is!"

You finally reach the room and instead of going in, you simply push Chris inside and watch him from outside the door, as if the spider was going to jump up and kill you any minute.

Chris stood at the end of the bed, looking over the blanket until he found the spider. There was a spider chilling in the middle, but it wasn't how you described it, it was no where near as big as a tarantula.

"Is this the viscous spider you were telling me about?" He laughed, pointing at the spider.

"Don't just stand there, get rid of it before it escapes" You gestured, the towel almost falling off your head. Chris found it hilarious how frantic you were at the little spider.

"Okay, let's get rid of this little guy. Get me something to carry it out of here"

"What? You want to rescue it? Just kill it! What if..what if it finds its way back? I bet it remembers how it got in here" You gasp and Chris fought the urge to laugh really hard.

"Oh you're right! What if it's got a map of the whole house?"

"Yeah, and- Hey! Are you mocking me?" You frowned at him. With your hands on your hips, you gave him a look that could definitely kill, but Chris was enjoying this.

"No. It's a possibility" He smiled, grabbing an empty shoe box. He went back over to the bed with the box, keeping an eye on the spider.

"Be careful. Those things can jump!" You warned, hiding behind the doorframe as if the spider could jump across the room in one quick move.

Chris laughed as he nudged the spider towards the box with the lid and at first it didn't move. He was about to say it was dead when the spider leaped forward fast, right into the box. Chris put the lid on the box and you screamed seeing it move.

"You're scaring our guest" He smiled, climbing off the bed with the box in his hands.

"Get that thing away from me" You backed away as Chris walked out of the room.

"It just wanted to try the nice bed out" He teased, going back downstairs and releasing the spider into the yard.

"I'm not sharing my bed with something that has more than two legs" you scoffed and Chris stopped in his tracks, looking back at you.

"So you want to share our bed with someone who has two legs?"

You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. "Only if that someone is a YouTuber from Boston"

"You know, that doesn't rule out every man" He protested, pretending to be hurt.

"Oh just get rid of that thing! I don't want anyone else in my bed, just you. Especially not that..demon"

"The house is spider free!" He announced, dropping the box by the door, before closing it and joining you on the couch.

"Don't say that, we can't know for sure if there aren't any more hiding" You narrowed your eyes as he grabbed your ankles and pulled your legs across his lap.

"I'll catch them all, babe. Don't worry"

"Awh, my big brave boyfriend" You pinched his cheeks and his face fell.

"So, let's discuss who you wanna share the bed with" he huffed and you rolled your eyes at him.

"There's requirements, don't worry"

"Such as?"

"Has to be from Massachusetts"

"Go on"

"Tall and handsome"

"Still worried" he hummed.

"Amazing guy. He's apart of the best YouTube channel and he has a great personal account"

"Anything else?" He gently squeezed and rubbed your feet.

"Kind, funny, talented.." you continue with a smile as he just nodded along.

"I think I deserve something nice"

"Is that so?" You smiled at him, leaning in closer.

"Yeah. I risked my life to get rid of it"

"My hero! Come here then" You laughed and pressed your lips against his.

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