Too Much Love

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"He's so soft" Chris breathed, stroking his brand new sons ear and listening to the sound of the two boys gurgles. Chris couldn't believe the amount of wispy hair both of them had. Chris wanted to trace his fingers over every piece of the two babies laying on your chest. Their wrinkly hands grasped at your skin because they could hear your heartbeat and to them, you were their safety and home. "They hear you, babe"

"Yeah" you said, drowsy, looking down at the two babies that had been placed on top of you.

Chris settled himself in beside you, the hospital bed wasn't big enough, but somehow he fit. Chris brushed your damp hair off your neck, listening to the midwives rustling around the bed.

You lost a fair amount of blood as Jack made his entrance, nothing to be concerned about, but something the midwives were keeping an eye on.

The midwife reached around and whispered into Chris's ear, making sure he encouraged you to drink fluids. But he couldn't bring himself to now, you were too lost in the boys in your arms.

"Hello" Chris whispered, stroking one of the boy's knuckles. "Hi buddy" the little boy's forehead wrinkled at his touch and the sound of his voice.

"How are we going to tell them apart?" You asked, your voice breaking. Chris smirked and laughed softly, but when he looked up at you, he noticed you were serious.

"We'll figure it out" he promised. "Jack has two dimples and Nathan has one"

"Jack is a little bigger" you noted. "Nathan's my little prince and Jack is my chunky man" your eyes were heavy and you were struggling to keep them open.

Chris smiled. "How are you feeling?" He asked, kissing your clammy head.

You stared down at the little boys in your arms and looked back at Chris, smiling. "Happy" you exhaled, feeling him kiss your cheek. "Really happy"

Chris smiled wide, wider than he could imagine, watching Jack fall asleep to the sound of your heart, underneath the blanket over his back. While Nathan, blinked up at Chris, pressing his lips together, like he was looking for something to soothe himself with.

"I'm so happy, babe. They're perfect"

With the idea that he was now a father of three sunk in, his ears perked up at the sound of the baby hiccups.

Chris smiled into your bare shoulder.

"Someone has the hiccups" you cooed, kissing the baby's head.

"Let daddy have a cuddle" Chris mumbled, holding out his arms and curling his fingers in his hand. Because Jack was snuggled into your chest, you passed him Nathan. Chris carefully took Nathan into his arms, kissing his head.

"Hey" he cooed and you smiled at the three men who meant everything to you. There was nothing more beautiful in the world. You felt yourself smile, catching yourself thinking of who they'd grow up to be.

"I missed this smell" he said, stroking Nathan's head.

"New baby smell" you exhaled, resting your head on his shoulder. With the second baby off your chest, you were free to poke at the lightly tender, aching remains of your stomach. After carrying two babies, it still looked like you were carrying one.

"Hey" Chris said from beside you. You frowned, realising he caught you. "Babe, look at me" you felt his finger lift your chin up from looking down.

"I have so much to lose this time" you whispered, frowning. When it was just your daughter, Madison, and you were feeling soft around the middle, you could secure her to your chest and go for a walk around the neighbourhood. But now you had two babies and a four year old, that would need your attention all the time, you knew there would be little time and more effort you worried you wouldn't have the energy for.

"If you want to, you can" Chris promised. "But if you don't, that's okay? Who cares? I don't" he shifted the baby in his arms and wiped a tear from your eye. "You're beautiful. You gave birth to two babies not even an hour ago. It doesn't matter to me if you don't lose weight, okay? Give yourself time to breathe"

You bit your lip and nodded, leaning down so he could kiss your head. You wrapped an arm around the back of his neck, as he kissed your head, before he nudged you to look up. "You okay?"

You nodded. "Yeah" you whispered, feeling a single tear stream down your cheek.

"Hey, it's okay" Chris mumbled, kissing your head again. "It's been a long day" he reached over for the glass of juice  and urged you to take it. "Drink your juice"

You nodded, sipping the drink and handing it back to him.

"Only a day and a half of labor" you said, looking at him.

"Our forth kid should fall right out" Chris joked.

"If only" you said, kissing his shoulder.

"How soon can we try again?" Chris joked, smirking.

You rolled your eyes. "Don't push your luck. You should let everyone know they're here and let Madison come meet them"

"Are you ready?"

You nodded. "We're ready"

Chris resettled Jack against your chest, before climbing out of the warm cocoon that was your bed, his legs feeling like jelly underneath him, but he managed to steady himself enough to walk. He'd given everyone a call, shortly after the boys had been born, giving them all plenty of time to get to the hospital. Matt had offered to take Madison when your labor had started late yesterday afternoon, and keep her for the night.

He pushed against the solid oak he reached, after heavy steps down the slick, linoleum floor, and a room of full of people he loved, turned to look at him.  

"We've got two boys"

He felt a pair of familiar arms around his neck and he smelled his brothers aftershave, before he saw him.

"Two boys" Chris blubbered into Nick's neck as he pulled back.

"I know" Nick nodded, smiling widely. "You're gonna have your hands full" Nick put his hand on Chris' shoulder. "You did good"

Chris shook his head. "No I was just there. She did all the work"

Nick smiled. "How's your hand?"

"Ask me again, in a year. I may have regained full function by then." Chris walked towards his Mom , already feeling her tears seeping into his neck.

Chris held his Mom tight and rubbed her back. "Hey, don't cry, Mom" His voice croaked. "You'll make me cry again"

But MaryLou knew just how much faded hope, and heartbreak, it had been, before these boys came along, and she cried for that too. She cried because she hadn't seen that same light in her son's eyes in a long time, and yet here it was again.

"Daddy!" Chris looked up to see Madison in Matt's arms, looking like she'd just woken up from a nap.

Chris smiled and reached down for her, as Matt let her go.

"Hi!" He gushed, picking her up. "Hey" he kissed her cheek. "I missed you. Are you ready to meet your brothers?"

Madison wrapped her arms around Chris' neck. "They're here?"

"Yeah, do you want to come say hello, and see Mommy?"

Madison nodded. "Can we go now? Please?" She bounced in his arms. "Please, daddy?"

"We're going"


"Be gentle, okay?" Chris whispered, lifting Madison up and placing her beside you on the bed.

Madison nodded, scooting towards you. "Hi, Mommy"

You smiled at her. "Hi, baby. I missed you" you brushed her hair away from her forehead as she leaned forward. "Come say hello" you lifted one of the babies closer. "This is Jack" you lifted your other arm. "And this is Nathan" Madison looked unsure but Chris watched cautiously.



"Can I give kisses?"

You smiled and looked at Chris. "Of course you can" you watched as she lifted herself so she could kiss their foreheads.

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