"𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞"

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You found yourself staring up at this.. What can only be described as a giant. This guy had to be over 6'8 at least.. A mask covered any human features from the neck up, you couldn't even see any exposed skin, they were in long black cargo pants and a black compression shirt, gloves covering the hands with black boots on. You almost would describe him as scary.

He was a mountain of a man, and he stared back at you, not saying a word. This was the guy you were sharing a room with?? He could most definitely kill you if he wanted to. Then again you were assuming a lot about him, you knew better than that. You matched his silence, or was he matching yours... it was hard to tell only being able to see his eyes, and even that was hard with a lower perspective.

Price cut the tension by speaking up, his hand reaching up and scratching the side of his face scratching his facial hair.

"König, I'm going to meet with Ghost and Soap to discuss L/n's training, got some things to work out. Do you mind showing him to your room? I'll be back for him later."

By the time Price finished his sentence he was already walking away, into a separate hallway from the large living space.

The room had a couch, a T.V. some consoles and other games leading into an open kitchen, sort of like a larger recreational space. Looking back to König, it didn't seem like they had taken their eyes off you. Normally this level of eye contact would scare you, you hated eye contact, but he didn't seem threatening. You watched as his hands lifted in front of his stomach, playing with his fingers as he finally looked away. He seemed more uncomfortable than anything.

You found yourself mirroring him, playing with your fingers, resisting the urge to bite your nails. He turned around, making a motion with his left hand, signaling for you to follow, and you do. The silence began to become unbearable when you thought it best to speak,

"König is an interesting name."

You felt his eyes on you as you followed him down a long hallway, seeing many rooms with names on plaques, names you didn't yet recognize, taking note of the name 'soap'... what the hell kind of name is soap?

Köing didn't give you any response. Without thinking you tried a second attempt to spark a conversation

"It means king right? Your name i mean.."

He gave you what could sort of be described as a nod as he turned to a door with only his name on it, just König. He opened the door and ducked his head under the door frame, this guy was so huge it was fucking insane.

The rooms were larger than you expected, about the size of a dorm of sorts, not that you'd really know what a dorm looked like, you never went to college. It had room for 2 beds on either wall, and plenty of room in the middle. To your surprise, königs side of the room was quite decorated, he had little glow in the dark stars all over the room. On your side as well, you didn't mind, you found it charming how such an intimidating man has such a personal decoration. It made them seem a little more human than you thought.

You set your bag down and looked to the door frame where könig stood, still inside but about to exit

"Please do not touch anything of mine.."

And with that he dipped his head down and walked away, closing the door. It didn't sound like a demand, more of a plea. Still it felt like if you touched anything of his he might just crush you, and you preferred all your ribs intact.

You turned to your bags and began taking things out, leaving the clothes inside as you begin to unpack.

"𝐏𝐚𝐲 𝐌𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝" - 𝐀 𝐊ö𝐧𝐢𝐠 𝐗 𝐅𝐓𝐌!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now