𝟎𝟐, new friends

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❝i can tell that we are gonna be friends

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i can tell that we are gonna be friends.
- we're going to be friends, the white stripes

—THAT NIGHT AURORA HAD stayed up reading the book that Remus had kindly let her borrow and before she knew it she had read the whole thing. She smiled to herself absentmindedly as she closed the book and carefully placed it into her bag, taking a mental not to find him tomorrow so that she could return it to him. She reached up to her head and slipped of her glasses before placing them back in their case.

Aurora made her way under her blankets, whispering a goodnight to Alice who had fallen asleep ages ago, she just couldn't sleep without saying goodnight. She let her eyes flutter closed and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep. The next morning she was awoken by her bed, or mattress to her precise, shaking. Her eyes opened and due to the fact she was still half asleep and tired her eyes only opened into small slits but it still allowed her to see what was going on.

"Alice, what on earth are you doing" Aurora groaned, pulling her pillow over her face as her tired eyes unwillingly closed again. "You need to wake up, breakfast is almost over" Alice informed Aurora, ceasing her jumping and stepping off the tired girl's bed. "I don't care" Aurora insisted and she thought that she was met off when Alice didn't reply. Obviously that wasn't the case when she felt a cold liquid be dropped over her body making her spring out of bed.

"Alice!" Aurora screamed in horror, her arms stretched out to the sides uncomfortably, her pyjamas absolutely soaking. "What? You wouldn't have gotten up if I hadn't done that" Alice explained but Aurora just rolled her eyes and marched over to her wardrobe to find some dry clothes. It was a Saturday so they were free to wear what they pleased. She grabbed the first thing that came to her hand which was a rust-coloured bohemian styled skirt.

She began making her way towards the bathroom when Alice called for her making her reluctantly turn around to see a jumper and underwear being flung at her. "You can't just wear a skirt" Alice shrugged making Aurora sigh and make her way into the bathroom.


AURORA STEPPED OUT of the bathroom, fully dressed in her outfit and grabbed her white pair of go go boots and slipped them on before lifting her bag that held the book she was to return to Remus. "Finally ready?" Alice asked making Aurora nod whilst pulling a face. Alice simply rolled her eyes at the blonde girl's antics before making her way out of the dorm and towards the great hall, Aurora following along after her.

When they entered the great hall Alice immediately ran over to Frank who waited for her with open arms. Aurora had to admit that she was a tad bit jealous of the relationship that Alice had with him. She wanted something like that but nonetheless she was happy for her friend. As she stood at the bottom of the hall she caught sight of someone waving at her. When she looked fully at the person she couldn't help but let a smile appear on her face. Remus Lupin, the person she was looking for.

He waved her over to where he was sitting making her traipse over to him, making sure not to trip over anything as she did so. "Fancy seeing you here" Remus joked with a welcoming smile, gesturing to the seat across from him. Aurora swung her legs over the bench, "Morning Remus" She grinned, feelings a tad but nervous as she placed her bag on the empty part of the bench next to her. "I'm really enjoying the book you let me borrow" Remus informed her. "Oh I'm so glad!" Aurora gushed, feeling her nerves begin to relax as her eyes set on his kind smile.

"Speaking of books, here's yours back" She reached into her bag and took out the book, handing it back over to him. "You've finished it already?" Remus wondered. "Yeah, I started reading it last night and lost track of time due to how much I was enjoying it, before I knew it, it was finished" Aurora explained making Remus nod and placing the book carefully into his satchel. "I've been there, I'm actually almost finished the book you lended me, I've just got a couple pages left"

She was about to reply when they were interrupted by two boys running through the doors of the great hall, coming straight towards them. "Did you save us breakfast, moony?" The boy she knew was Sirius asked, his tie hanging loosely around his neck. She always wondered where their nicknames for each other came from but she wasn't going to question it.

"No, Sirius I didn't" Remus answered him with an annoyed sigh. "What? Why not?" James questioned, looking at his friend with a look of disappointment. "To teach you a lesson to be places on time" Remus informed them with an unimpressed look. Aurora looked down at her hands awkwardly, not knowing if maybe she should leave them to talk. "Who's this?" Sirius asked making Aurora look up to see his eyes directed at her.

"This is Aurora, you would have known that earlier if you didn't just ask for your food" Remus pointed out, sending Aurora a small smile which she returned with tight lips, her cheeks slightly red from all attention being on her. Her hands we placed on her lap as she fiddled with her fingers that were shaking slightly. You might think she's being dramatic, they're only people what can they do they're harmless.

Deep down she knew they were nice but there was something inside her that always made her nervous to talk to new people or even talk to people in general. It was a miracle that she was able to talk to Remus the previous day. Even when she had to read a passage from a book in class it was enough to make her feel physically sick. She hated being like this, she wished she was like all the other people who had lots of confidence but sometimes life isn't that easy. She just had to learn to push herself outside of her comfort zone.

"Sorry love, Sirius Black" He introduced himself as though not everyone knew who he was. "Nice to meet you" She nodded softly with a small nervous smile as she shook his hand that was outstretched towards her. What better time than now to give herself a push. "I'm James, James Potter" The other boy introduced just like Sirius, almost like they were oblivious to the fact that everyone knew them but she knew they probably did and they were just being polite and introducing themselves out of curtesy.

"Nice to meet you both" Aurora responded as she picked up her bag and placed it on the floor in between her feet to let Sirius take a seat next to her whilst James sat beside Remus.

"I'm starving" Sirius moaned as he let his head fall into his arms that lay on the table. Aurora knew he wasn't joking when she heard his stomach let out a low grumble. "If you showed up on time you wouldn't have that trouble, your tie isn't even on properly" Remus explained with an amused laugh. "You know I don't know how to tie it properly" Sirius rolled his eyes as his stomach let out another grumble of hunger.

"I've got cupcakes in my bag if you'd like one" Aurora offered making Sirius look over at her hopefully. "Really?" He asked making her nod her head gently as brought her bag up into the table and brought out a little yellow contained with daisies on it. She took of the lid to reveal some beautifully decorated cupcakes. "You're an actual angel" Sirius said in wonder as he reached in and took out one of the cupcakes just as James did, both careful not to wreck the little butterflies that she made out of icing placed on top of the cake.

"You can take one as well Remus" Aurora insisted as she took one out herself before softly nudging the container over to Remus. He thanked her kindly before taking one out for himself. "I can fix you're tie if you want?" Aurora offered; she had no idea where this new sense of confidence was coming from but she felt surprisingly comfortable around them. A grateful smile appeared on Sirius' face as he took of his tie and handed it to her. He would've thanked her but his mouth was filled with cupcake.

She smiled at him in understanding before placing the tie around her neck to tie. As she was tying it she suddenly stopped. "Everything okay?" James asked, noticing the confused look on her face. "You guys do realise you don't have to wear your uniforms today?" She questioned making their eyebrows knit together. "It's a Friday though?" Sirius mumbled, covering his mouth as he spoke due to the food in his mouth.

"It's a Saturday" Remus informed them whilst Aurora let out a soft laugh. She liked these boys. Maybe pushing herself out of her comfort zone wasn't that bad.

𝗔𝗨𝗥𝗢𝗥𝗔 - r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now