Chapter 1

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"What time is your flight?" the young man asked his friend as the taxi turned into the hotel driveway.

"5:30! In the morning!"

"Urgh!" Bow-shaped lips distorted in disgust. "Thanks for coming up Man, you really didn't have to."

"Of course I did! You only turn thirty once Wat. What sort of friend would I be if I didn't? I expect to see you and Boss in Phuket for mine. And sleeping beauty there." Man gestured at Tine, dozing on Sarawat's shoulder, as the vehicle came to a halt outside the chrome and glass hotel entrance.

"We'll be there. Say hi to P'Type for us."

"Will do. Enjoy your birthday..." Man glanced at his phone, checking the time as he climbed out of the rear of the taxi, "...tomorrow. I'm sure Tine will help make it memorable." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as he closed the door and gave the boys in the cab a jaunty wave through the window before disappearing through the glowing doorway.

"That's the plan," was muttered sleepily in Sarawat's ear, triggering a small snort of laughter from the recipient. Sarawat turned to look at his Nuisance, but Tine just snuggled further into his shoulder and readjusted his grip on Sarawat's bicep, somehow managing to look smugly cute without even bothering to open his eyes. Not looking away, Sarawat gave a slight shake of his head, a grin of affection firmly fixed on his face, before reciting the address of their apartment block to the driver. In all honesty Sarawat was surprised Tine was awake enough to respond to Man's parting shot.

There was no response from the driver, nor movement of the car. The engine stayed idling in neutral as the taxi remained motionless outside the hotel.

After a few moments Sarawat glanced up from his contemplation of the top of Tine's head and saw the driver looking at him expectantly in the centre mirror. The smile slipped as Sarawat met his gaze and they locked eyes, Sarawat's face deliberately without expression. Sarawat knew that his inherent expressionless look was perceived by many to be something of a glare – it rarely was; there were few people he disliked enough to muster that much energy for, and those had usually been in some way disparaging about Tine – but he was willing to use that misconception to his advantage if need be.

Sarawat repeated the address in a clear, slow tone. Several long moments passed, long enough for the song playing on the nostalgic radio station to finish and another begin (wut jai into lost and found, Sarawat absently noted – not a transition he would have chosen personally but, perhaps, that was why he did not present radio programs). Eventually the driver relinquished his gaze and put the car into gear, smoothly pulling away from the kerb. What that whole interaction was about, Sarawat did not know. It could have been as simple as the driver waiting to see if he was going to move over into Man's vacated seat, or it could have been something more. Either way Sarawat didn't really care. When the three of them had stumbled into the taxi, slightly tipsy after the evening of food and drink, he had deliberately sat between Man and Tine. Partly because next to Tine was where he belonged. Partly because he knew his Nuisance well enough to recognise the alcohol-induced loosening of the bonds that had kept the exhaustion of the past few weeks in check, and the descent into sleep that would shortly follow. Thus, Sarawat had sat in the middle of the taxi's backseat.

As uncomfortable as it may be Sarawat was quickly rewarded with Tine's hand clasping his; fingers interlocking and resting in the too small space between their thighs and Tine's head on his shoulder, in the space that existed just for it. By the time they had reached the hotel Tine had shuffled round to a slight angle so that he was tucked even more firmly against Sarawat's body, his free arm leaving the door where it had initially rested, to wrap around Sarawat's bicep, hugging it close. Sarawat and Tine were not the most physically demonstrative couple in public – a combination of upbringing, their careers, Sarawat's introverted nature, Tine's concern over how they were perceived by others ('#Sarawat's Wives' had a lot to answer for) and the fact that they were no longer students cocooned in the safe, insulated bubble of a campus but adults in the real world. The overall result being that Sarawat savoured any little touch more than ever, and if the taxi driver thought he was going to relinquish Tine's hold merely for a thicker seat and slightly more leg room then they were crazy.

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