Chapter 5: Death of Marion Acme

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"Patty cake, Patty cake? I don't believe it!" Roger sobbed, as he banged his head on the blinds in Maroon's office.

Roger jumped off the window sill and sat at Maroon's desk, and banged his head on the table over and over. "Patty cake! Patty cake! Is that true?" He sobbed.

"Take comfort son. You're not the first man whose son played patty cake with a sugar mama." Maroon said, pulling out a hankie and handing it to Roger.

Roger took it and very loudly blew his nose. "I just don't believe it. I won't believe it. I can't believe it. I shan't believe it."

Maroon took the hankie and tossed it in the garbage. Then he looked over to (Y/n) and Eddie who had been standing off to the side, awkwardly watching the whole display.

"Believe it kid. I took the pictures myself. He played patty cake." Eddie insisted, handing Roger the pictures he took.

Roger shakily took them and looked at them. "No. Not my Jesse. Not patty cake! This is impossible. I don't believe it. It can't be. It can't be! Jesse's my son! It's absolutely impossible!" Roger rambled as he flipped through the pictures of Jesse and Marion literally playing the game Patty cake.

Roger threw the pictures aside and turned to Maroon, (Y/n), and Eddie. "Jesse's the light of my life. My reason for living! My sweet little boy! He wouldn't just hand himself out like that!"

"It's so hard to believe. Marion and Marvin Acme have been my neighbors and friends for 30 years. Who would've thought after Marvin died she'd become a sugar mama."

"Somebody must've made him do it." Roger whimpered.

Maroon poured a glass of alcohol and handed it to Roger. "Now drink this, son. It'll make you feel better."

Roger silently took the drink and gulped it down. A few seconds later, he began shaking and gurgling and changing colors. His face turned bright red and his cheeks swelled up until they couldn't anymore.

Roger flew up to the ceiling, and let out a yell, as steam blew out of his mouth, and created tornado like winds that strewed everything in Maroon's office around, and shattered several glass objects. Eddie, (Y/n) and Maroon covered their ears, and watched as Roger finally calmed down and sat back in Maroon's chair.

"Thanks. I needed that." He said loopily.

"Son of a bitch." Eddie breathed. "Look Mr. Maroon. I think my work here is finished. How bout that carrot you owe me, huh?"

Maroon pulled out another check. "A deal's a deal."


Maroon turned his attention back to the rabbit, that (Y/n) was patting on the back. "Roger, I know all this seems pretty painful now. But you don't need that ungrateful kid. Right, Mr. Valiant?"

"Yeah, sure. Role model father like that? I'm sure there are several kids out there who would love to have him as a dad." Eddie said, not very encouragingly.

Suddenly, Roger spring up, and angry expression on his face. "Kids? What kids?!" Roger grabbed Eddie and pushed him against the desk. "Jesse's the only kid I need. You'll see! We'll rise above this piddling peccadillo. We're gonna be a happy family again. Got that? Happy. Capital H-A-P-P-I!" Roger declared.

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