Chapter 11: Acme Factory

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Benny exited ToonTown and drove down the tunnel that lead to the real world.

"So how long have you known it was Doom?" Eddie asked Jesse.

"Before poor Marion Acme was killed, he confided in me that Doom wanted to get his hands on ToonTown, and he wouldn't stop at anything."

"So she gave you the will for safekeeping?" Eddie concluded.

"That's what she told me. Except when I opened the envelope, there was only a blank piece of paper inside." Jesse said.

"Huh. A joker to the end." (Y/n) commented.

"So where to already? My meter's running." Benny shouted.

"I have to find my dad. I'm so worried about him."


Benny exited the tunnel, only to have Doom kick a bucket of Dip in their path. Benny drove into it and started skidding out of control.

"Whoa, I've been Dipped!"

Benny spun into a lamppost, flinging Eddie, Jesse, and (Y/n) out of the cab and onto the ground.

Doom approached them with a wicked smile. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. What an unfortunate accident. Nothing more treacherous than a slippery road. Especially when driving in a maniacal Toon vehicle." He mocked.

Jesse sat up and glared at Doom, while shifting his body in front of (Y/n).

The weasels exited the tunnel a few seconds later and skidded to a halt near them, and piled out.

"Don't just stand there. Help them. Put them in my car. I think they'll enjoy attending the ribbon cutting ceremony at the Acme Factory."


Eddie, Jesse and (Y/n) stood in the middle of the factory with their hands up, as Greasy searched Eddie, and Psycho searched Jesse.

"We searched Valiant and the boy, boss. The will ain't on 'em." Smarty reported.

"The frisk the woman!" Doom ordered.

"No!" Eddie and Jesse shouted, and tried to stop them, but were held back by Psycho and Smarty.

Greasy smirked and swaggered towards (Y/n). "I'll handle this one."

Jesse and Eddie watched with furious expressions, as Greasy reached up and stuck his hand down (Y/n)'s shirt, while she glared menacingly at the weasel.

However, Greasy howled in pain and pulled his hand out, to reveal that he had a bear trap clamped down on his arm. He jumped up and down in pain as the other weasels laughed at him.

"Nice booby trap." Eddie complimented.

"B-But...but I didn't..." (Y/n) glanced next to her at Jesse, and saw that he had a mischievous smirk on his face.

"You—! Will you stop sticking things down there?" She whispered scolded him.

Jesse shrugged. "Probably not."

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