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Name: Jenna Riera

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Name: Jenna Riera

Family members:

Mom: Isabel Iglesias-Riera

Dad: Tito Riera

On mom's side: Gabriel Iglesias (uncle, alive), Y/n Iglesias (cousin, alive)

On dad's side: Penelope Alvarez (aunt, alive), Lydia Riera (grandma, alive), Berto Riera (grandpa, deceased), Elena Alvarez (cousin, alive), Alex Alvarez (cousin, alive)

Occupation: New student at Wilson High School

Crush: Mikey Gutierrez

Background info:

Jenna Riera has traveled with her dad for two years, but she wanted to attend high school with her cousin Y/n. Her mom then applies her to the same school her cousin and uncle goes to. When she attends school, she realized her crush on Mikey Gutierrez. She helps Y/n with asking Marisol out while Y/n helps her out with her crush on Mikey. Follow her journey in trying to survive high school and having a crush on the boy in her class.

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