♡ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 ♡

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Dante's POV

Rage coursed through my veins as I threw the glass in front of me at the wall, shattering it into a million pieces, effectively making almost everyone in the room flinch.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT BLEW UP??!!" I shouted, getting the urge to shoot each of these idiots' head off.

The person in front of me started stammering, his face pale in fear.
"S-Somebody planted a b-bomb in the ship, and it blew up w-when it was meeting the other th-three ships. A-All of them sunk."

Four ships.

"What is your job, Carlos?" I spoke in a deadly quiet voice.
"T-To report anyth-thing that went wrong w-when you were away t-to you." he quivered.
I advanced towards him with slow steps, grabbed his collar, leaned down and spoke in his ear making his breath hitch.
"Then why the fuck am I made aware of this two days later?" I growled.
"I-I'm s-sorry sir, it w-won't happen again I s-swear." he gulped as his lips and hands started trembling.
"Anybody else and you'd be dead right now, you know that right? The only reason I'm giving you a chance is because you were close to our family."
This was way too big for me to let go. He was lucky dad liked him.

"Find the traitors and bring them to me. This is your last chance of redemption. Mess up and I'll give you a slow death. Am I clear?" I snarled. He hurriedly nodded his head and I let go of his collar.

"I want logs of what each person in this mafia is doing; who they are calling, where they are going, who they are meeting, everything. Anything seems slightly off, you report to me. Understood?" I spoke, addressing everyone in the room.

"Sì Capo." everyone said together. I gave a curt nod and turned away. (Yes Boss)
"Dismissed." I said and everyone filed out.
"Leonardo, stay here." Leonardo looked back at me and raised his eyebrows but stepped in and closed the door behind him.
I sighed heavily and collapsed on my chair, running a hand through my hair followed by silence.

"Sup Dan." he broke the silence. I raised my eyes to meet his. "Hey Leo."
"Soo...did you bring me here to look at you being on Saturn or have you finally agreed to my challenge of eating spicy noodles with wasabi?" he inquired.
I scoffed, "First of all, no and second of all, you wish."
He pouted and said, "Aww man. I was looking forward to seeing you suffer. You're such a killjoy."

"Quit moping Leo. I'm not here to make small talk." I said seriously. He got the hint and took a seat in front of me.
I pursed my lips and said, "I need you to keep an eye on Carlos. And..." I paused, second guessing my suspicions. "Karl and Stefan Klein."
Leonardo stiffened and nodded slowly after a moment. "How the hunch?" he asked.
"Aside from the fact that they were traded from the Russian Mafia?" I raised my eyebrow. He shrugged.
"I found TNTs in Stefan's toolkit." I stated.
"And..that is suspicious...how? " Leo said, confused. I rolled my eyes. It's normal for gang members to keep some weapons at all times for the rare situation of an attack. But this is too much of a coincidence.

"Karl is in charge of the explosives room. Stefan was a part of the team who loaded the ship." I explained slowly.
Leo's eyes widened in realisation. "So Karl could easily supply Stefan with the TNTs and Stefan could plant the bombs in the ship....what the-" he cut off and ran a hand through his hair.
"So, what do you wanna do now?" he asked. I smirked.
"Poke them?" I asked.
"You got it." Leo grinned.

'Poke them' basically meant torture. Me and Leo love playing that game with traitors in the mafia.
I was a creative person when it comes to this, and I loved to try new things. Getting tortured by me was known to be worse than death. So nobody tried to betray me, or they'd face unimaginable pain. I'd torment the vipers in front of everybody, so they knew the result of double-crossing me.

Nobody cheats me and gets away easy.


I was on my way back home after a 'meeting' with someone from the Martinez family who was indebted to me. While waiting on a red light in my black Manta Prototype, I spotted a silver BMW X1 two cars behind me through my rear view mirror. It looked strangely familiar.
My face hardened as I recalled seeing it in Karl's garage.
So, the nincompoop was following me. I'm pretty sure it's not because he wants to give me roses for Valentines Day.

As the light turned green, I turned the car back on and swerved away from my actual destination and headed towards the woods where I could lose him. I checked again and, as I expected his car was following me. I turned into the path towards the woods and pressed the accelerator. He sped up as well.

Another turn came and I pressed on the brakes, but to my shock my car showed no signs of slowing. I slammed the brakes again and again but to no avail. I sharply turned the steering wheel to avoid slamming into a tree. I continuously tried to press the brakes but they had stopped working all of a sudden as if-

'As if someone had messed with them.'


How did I not see this coming?!
They must have followed me to the Martinez guy's house and broken my brakes while I was busy beating his shit out.

All of a sudden, two circles of light illuminated my vision. I realised that it was an incoming car and panicked. I tried avoiding it by turning sharply and before I knew it, I collided with a huge tree and my car turned upside down.

I groaned, not able to open my eyes because of the agony I was feeling but then heard Karl's car pull up beside mine, so I pretended to be unconscious. I heard him step out of his car and walk over to mine.
"Ja, ja, he crashed." Karl spoke to somebody on his phone I think. (Yes, yes)
"Nein Boss, he's damaged as fuck. Er wird sterben...if not given medical attention soon." he laughed. (No ; He will die)
I scoffed internally. I ain't going down that easy. But...I'll let him enjoy the few days he has alive.

As soon as I knew he had driven away, I opened my door and crawled out of the car, trying to fight the pain. I hauled myself to my feet and tried to walk but I stumbled and black dots started to crowd my vision.
'No, no, no, DAMMIT STAY AWAKE.'

But I couldn't. The last thing I saw was a single beam of light coming my way, like a guardian angel to rescue me.
"Grazie Dio." I whispered. (Thank God.)

And then everything went black.
I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in ages. Stuff came up and now my exams will start so everything was super busy.
I was so surprised my shit got so many views. Again, I'm sorry for the extreme delay.

This time, I decided to let you guys know a bit about the main man of our story - Dante!

I hope you guys liked the chapter!

Also, like I said my exams are about to begin so my update pattern's gonna be extremely wonky. I might update once in a while or I might not update at all, but everything's gonna go back to normal maximum by March end :)

Tell me if you spotted any errors. I will delete your comment after correcting it. Add this book to your library, vote if you liked the chapter and please comment and tell me what you think!

I'll see you in Chapter 3! (whenever it comes ;-;)

Akuto <3

P.S:- I have added Leo to the characters page so go check that out too!

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