✦ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗 ✦

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Just wanna clear some doubts...

The actual name of our guy is Dante (i changed it) but he told Daliah that his name was Enzo to protect his identity because he didn't trust her :)
Also Dante (daan-tay) looks different now too-

Enjoy the chapter~


Daliah's POV

I was busy chopping vegetables for dinner on Friday night, peacefully watching the knife slide through the tomato and listening to the soft wooden thud it made on hitting the cutting board. I nearly dropped my tomatoes when I turned around and caught sight of Enzo leaning against the kitchen door, looking at me.

"Oh- hey, you need something?" My voice seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in and he shook his head, wordlessly proceeding towards the cabinet and picking up a glass along with a water bottle.

My eyes warily watched him, and when I realised my paranoia, I snapped my gaze back to the bowl in my hand. Taking a deep breath to control the slight trembling of my fingers, I continued on the task at hand: dinner; trying - but failing - to ignore his presence.

The jittery feeling wasn't going away, so I picked up a glass of water from the counter and drank it slowly. I heard someone clear their throat and turned around to catch sight of Enzo standing behind me, with pursed lips.
I choked on the water when I spotted the tray of ice in his hand.

This was his glass.

I quickly covered my mouth and whipped out my hand to return the glass, feeling my face flush. He glanced at the water and then at me, arching an eyebrow.

'You just drank from that you dumb idiot!'

I frantically filled up another glass before sliding it over to him and clenched my hands into fists. His eyes were on me the entire time, discreetly analysing my actions.

He held the glass up to his lips after slipping in a few ice cubes, his adam apple moving up and down as he gulped down the water.

Out of nowhere he spoke, "Are you scared of me?"


Was I?

Internally observing my posture - wide eyes, defensive stance, clenched fists, held breath - I realised that I was, in fact, kind of terrified of the man a few feet away from me.
I knew how to fight, I could take care of myself, I had gone through a lot of shit and I'm still standing here. That counts for something. Then why the hell was I scared of him?

I felt a surge of vulnerable anger course through me. He asked me a simple, seemingly casual question...but I was so affected by it. It bothered me that my sensitivity was so visible. It meant one more thing people could use against me. One more weakness.

What, did he think I was some weak autumn leaf, easily swayed by the slightest of winds and instantly crushed into pieces the moment someone so much as steps on me? My shoulders straightened and my fingers released the skin of my palm. I narrowed my gaze, my defences building up around me like a protective wall, blocking out any emotion from showing itself. My next words were spoken in subdued rage.

"I'm not scared of you. Don't flatter yourself."

But there was still this small pinch in my chest when he placed the glass back down on the counter and towered over me. A flicker of fear amidst all the boldness. A flicker of hesitance amidst all the courage. A small voice telling me to scram, or else I would be hurt. No matter how much I tried to convince myself, I guess Dimitri did more damage than I thought.

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