"How long have you had this secret??"

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This chapter is gonna be extremely cringy-

(fluff warning?)

Pov: Third person

Once the meeting was over everyone said their goodbyes, except America who waited for Russia trying not to drop dead due to lack of sleep. Damn his head hurt, it hurt so much he wanted to bang it against a wall. Wait... wouldn't that make his head hurt more? 'it doesn't matter as long as I know why it's hurting' then he remembered that he was still in the meeting room 'fuck' he thought. The light hurt his eyes, 'where the hell do you get batteries that last so long and still blind the shit outa' you?'

Russia walked over to America

"I'm ready we can go now" America got up from leaning against the wall, sighed, and searched his jeans pockets for his keys. They rattled a little in his lightly shaking hands, he shoved them into his sweatshirt pocket and walked towards the elevator, he motioned for Russia to follow along walked into the large metal transformational box, and pressed the lobby button.

"How did you get a parking spot in the parking lot if you were late?" Russia asked

"the first meeting was over already so there were a couple of seats" Russia nodded his head in response casually leaning against the metal bar in the back of the elevator. the elevator lights went off and someone spoke:

"Please do not freak out, we are having technical difficulties things should be working just fine in five minutes" The Russian took this as a chance to get some info out of America.

"So, got any secrets you wanna tell me before I find out?" America was way too tired for this shit

"Sure, why not?" he responded, startling Russia "you know my states right?" he asked

"да?" he responded

"they're personified, so basically they are my children- wait no they are my children," America said sounding completely unfazed like this wasn't his deepest secret, although it probably wasn't.

"You have 50 children?!"

"yes, yes I do, in fact, I technically have over 50 children" America responded sounding slightly pissed

"how long have you kept this secret?"

"probably about 200 years, I'm not sure" Russia looked extremely surprised and impressed.

"is that why you're always late to meetings?" he asked putting the pieces together

"Uhm- I-I guess that's most of the reason..." Russia didn't know why he was stuttering, so he just continued asking questions

"how come you haven't told the UN?" America looked surprised to hear this question 'you knew this question was coming, stop looking surprised' America internally scolded himself.

"um-" he was on the verge of tears "i-i, didn't want him to take my children- t-they mean the world to me" he was tearing up at this point. The humiliation. Russia walked over to him and hugged him.

"Ничего страшного.." America was too sad to try to translate it so he just hugged back sobbing softly. suddenly the blinding lights turned back on and someone spoke

"thank you for being patient, all problems are fixed" the elevator started moving down the tall building again, America wiped his eyes and stopped hugging Russia then they stood in quiet, comfortable silence.

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