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I'm very not creative with these chapter names.

With the countries:

Most nations had surrounded the children the second america left the room, completely ignoring how serious the situation was, and how frightened and fragile the states were at the time. Russia noticed this and quickly shooed them away, blocking their path to his children. He turned around to what looked like overwhelmed children, Russia had never really been good at calming someone down or comforting them, so he tried his very best, hugging all three of them at the same time in warm bear hug.

"Uhm- Russia? May I talk to the um- states for a moment?" British voice said, startling Russia and the states for a moment.

"ME TOO!" Lots more 'me too's' and other ways of saying the same word came after that, causing the room to be so loud and obnoxious it could be mistaken for a zoo. Virginia sighed, tucking part of her hair behind her ear.

"If you can't tell we're having a moment, can you please stop trying to interrogate us and actually acknowledge that we are children? Thank you," the countries stopped talking and stared at the child, most of them feeling pretty guilty or embarrassed from how stupid they were being, harassing a group of children. The room fell to an awkward silence, minus the quiet conversation some of the countries who really didn't care or just already knew were having, which was a surprisingly large group of people.

Germany walked over to where the states and Russia chose to sit and talk, he sat by them and looked around at the other countries who seemed to be side-eying them whenever they weren't looking.

"Mein gott, all of these countries seem to make a big deal out of nothing, Ja?" He asked, sighing at the annoying amount of attention he was getting.

"Да, they do..." Russia answered, his voice laced with tiredness and solemn.

"you ok? I know you're child is missing but I'm sure you'll find her!" Ukraine asked, mysteriously showing up behind his brother. Russia nodded, still a little uneasy due to his current situation, he was still holding Alaska, who had fallen asleep on him.

"Well it's a good thing those children have Russia, I doubt that bloody yank knows how to take care of children, especially if one of them went missing," Britain said, still angry America hadn't told him about the states, the others just stared, "or maybe he'll learn what it's like to take care of a child"

"And maybe he can teach you because you obviously don't know how!" Portugal snapped, angry at the Brit's comment. Most nations snickered at this, some full on laughing, Britain didn't say anything, obviously embarrassed.

"Hey Russia?" Someone asked from behind the now slightly pissed Russian.

"Can everyone stop sneaking up on me- oh, привет Mexico"

"Do you- do you know why America didn't tell me? I know you and some others knew-"

"You'll have to ask Canada about that," he answered, sounding slightly apologetic for the North American nation.

"Por que?" He asked

"You should ask him yourself or Canada, their answers would be better than mine," Russia answered, motioning towards the happy-looking Canadian in the corner of the room.

"Ah, I'll go ask him then,,,"

Back to America

His head shot up upon hearing those words 'America', his eyes widened, he noticed a tall, red, Russian standing right in front of him,

"Soviet? What are you doing here?" He asked in a brittle tone.

"Well, I did have something to tell you but you seem to be in a fragile state right now," Soviet said, America nodded his head, although he did it slowly in order to not make his headache worse. Soviet, more concerned than before continued, "what happened?" America paused for a a moment, taking in a deep breath.

America's SecretsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin