Personal weapon

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You were standing at Sir Integra's side when Walter walked into the study and said,

 "Ah, Miss (Last/Name). I have your new weapon." You looked at him and said,

 "Really? May I see it?" Walter smiled and said "Of course." He had a suit case and when he opened it you saw twin pistols. One was black and had a red rose engraved on it and one was red and had a black rose engraved on it. Walter explained things to you about the pistols and you listened intrigued by the two guns.

"How very interesting." You said, tracing some of the writing on the guns.

"Well, go on then. Go to the shooting range." Sir Integra said, standing from her chair.

"I shall accompany you." She said, leading you to the room. Sir Integra shot a small pistol and hit the heart every time. You shot the two pistols and hit either the head or the heart every time.

"Very nice shot. I made the right choice hiring you as my body guard." Sir Integra said, placing the pistol back in it's holster. She handed you a long black coat, like Alucard's expect black. You put it on and smirked. Walter handed you a holster and you put it on. You chuckled and put the two guns in the holster. You put extra clips in your inside jacket pockets. Sir Integra smiled and said,

 "One more thing." She handed you a Hellsing coat of arms. You bowed your head to her and said,

 "Thank you, Walter. Thank you, Sir Integra." She nodded and walked away. You followed her and said,

 "Why did you chose me to be your body guard?" She shrugged and said,

 "I don't know exactly. You intrigue me. In a way you remind me or Alucard. You come off as faithful. I feel that I can trust you." You smiled and said,

 "I'm most honored to be your servant, Sir Integra Hellsing." You bowed to her and she said,

 "I'm honored to have you as my servant. Oh and I'm glad you like your new personal weapons. I can't wait to see you put them to use in a real battle." She smiled gently at you and walked away.

"You look good with that on." You heard a voice say, from behind you. You felt arms around your waist and you looked up to see Alucard.

"Alucard." You said, in a threatening voice. He smirked and said,

 "Yes?" You wiggled out of his grip and said,

 "I have work to do." He frowned and glared at you slightly.

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