Alucard's orders

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You were sitting by Integra as she sighed and placed a hand on her head. You looked at her and said,

"You should take a break. You'll hurt yourself if you work too hard." Integra growled and said,

"I have to clean up the mess from the media and I still have to find the people who created the vampire chips." You stood and walked over to her, saying,

"An hour and a half shouldn't be too much." She looked at you and said,

"(Y/N), I'm sorry that we can't have some more time just for us.....but you know with the position I'm in-"

"You don't have a lot of free time. I know, I know." You said, finishing her sentence. You sighed and said,

"I'm going look at the new people on the force." You leaned over her desk and rested the palms of your hands on the edge of her desk. Integra sat up straighter as you kissed her gently. You pulled back, slowly, and looked into her eyes, saying,

"I'll be back, Integra. Don't over work youself." She nodded slightly, but as you went to leave you heard her get up from her desk and wrap her arms around your neck. You turned towards her and smiled gently. She was blushing as you said,

"Integra, Why are you acting so vulerable?" You lifted her chin with one hand and the other was around her waist. She kissed you and pulled away, saying,

"It's your fault that I'm vulnerable. You make me vunerable." You gasped and said,

"Don't blame me." Integra sighed and shook her head, saying,

"I envy you. I'm supposed to keep my cool. I'm in charge of the Hellsing orginization....I shouldn't be so vulerable. And you, my girlfriend, you aren't vunerable...not even around me." You chuckled and said,

"I am vunerable. But I turned that vunerability into a reason to protect you." Integra looked at you and said,

"Really?" You nodded, let go of Integra, and said,

"Really.....Now, I'm going meet the new recruits. Coming with?" You held your hand out to Integra. She smiled slightly and took your hand. You smirked and said,

"That's what I like to see." She led you to the trainign grounds. You saw Victoria and said,

"I would think she would be the head of that squad." Integra shook her head and said,

"No, many people would find it unfair. Because she's a vampire. Come to think of it. You never told me what you are. What are you, (Y/N)?" She was looking at you intensly as you sighed and said,

"It's hard to explain. The only simple part about it is that I am not human, but I'm not a blood sucker either. Can you live with only that?" Integra sighed, but nodded.

"Sir Integra....I didn't think you'd ever leave that office of yours." Captin Henderson said, looking at the people that were trying out for recruitment. He looked at you and said,

"Ah, the true way to distract yourself from work. I see a worried (Y/N) was enough to make you stand for a while." Integra shook her head and said,

"Not exactly. I wanted to see the people that are being recruited." You smiled and looked over to Victoria. You walked over to her and said,

"Victoria." She looked at you and said,

"(Y/N)! It's good to see you got Sir Integra out of her office." You nodded and said,

"She's begining to worry me...Last night she didn't come to bed. She's over working herself." Victoria chuckled and said,

"You worry about her. That's your job as her girlfriend." You nodded and said,

"I guess so." Victoria looked at Integra and said,

"My master is jealous of Sir Integra." You looked at her and said,

"Why?" She looked at you and said,

"He loves you and you love her. It's that simple. He's loyal to Sir Integra because of his love for you." Your eyes widened as you said,

"Alucard" Victoria nodded and a voice said,

"Police girl....leave me and (Y/N) alone." You turned around to see Alucard as Victoria said,

"Yes, master." You found yourself alone with the No Life King. You saw Integra had went to her office. Alucard pinned you to the wall and said,

"Why do you love her?" You gasped and said,

"Because I do. Why do you care?" Alucard growled and said,

"Why?" He sounded hurt and upset. Your eyes widened as he kissed you. You didn't kiss back. You tried to push him off of you. He released you and said,

"Mark my words girl...You will be mine...if it's the last thing I do." With that he disappeared and left you alone. You touched your lips and whispered,

"Alucard?" You walked back to Integra's office and said,

"Integra. We need to talk." She looked at you and said,

"Yes, we do."

Alucard's POV

I looked at (Y/N) as she walked into Sir Integra's office. I smiled and said,

"Thank you for your orders, my master."


I appeared into Integra's office and said,

"You summoned me master?" She looked at me and nodded.

"Alucard. I need you to get (Y/N) to end my relationship with her." She said, looking at the ground. I looked at her wide eyed and said,

"What? I thought you loved her." She looked at me and said,

"I do. But I can't be with her because of our positions. Her being around me has made me weak and vunerable. I know you love her. Get her to break up with me and enter a relationship with you. I'm afraid that if I break up with her she won't be my gaurd anymore." I smirked and bowed, saying,

"Consider it done, master."

Flashback End

Sir Integra nodded and (Y/N) left the office a frown plastered across her features.

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