Bonus 1

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A/N: Thanks for all the support. This chapter is not long after they got fostered since the start of the story is set at the beginning of school which is around September. This is a bonus chapter it's longer than my usual chapters. Enjoy.

Oaklee Monroe POV

I tried to jump out of bed but I hit my head on the top of the bunk. I groaned and held my head. I waited for the pain to leave or at least not be so painful before getting out of bed and looking out the window.

There was snow everywhere and it was snowing. There was lots of snow and it made me excited. I went to the bathroom and used the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and noticed a little blood on my forehead.

I put a bandaid over it and headed back into our room.  I climbed to the top bunk and jumped on top of James. He let out the girliest high pitched scream I have ever heard. He sat up and looked around frightened. I let out a loud laugh and he tackled me into the bed.

The door opened and in came three frantic looking men. The looked over at us and relaxed. They all laughed.

"Someone screamed." Ares said looking at us. I pointed at James, he blushed and pointed at me.

"It's was James, I jumped on him and he girl screamed." I let out another laugh.

"I did not." James's cheeks turned pink and he looked away embarrassed.

"Puberty will come soon enough for you James, don't worry." Ares said and then they all laughed leaving the room.

"Come on, come on. It's Christmas eve." I said pulling on James arm pulling him down the bed and pushing him into the bathroom to let him get ready. I turned on the lights to our room and cleaned up a little, then I sat on the floor in the middle of the room, while waiting for him.

When he finally came out he looked over at me and his eyes widened. He rushed over and tilted my head back. He looked over my forehead and brushed his hand over the bandaid.

"What happened?" He asked softly. I got up off the floor and I stood only a little taller than him even if we were 3 years apart.

"I got excited this morning and bumped my head on your bunk." He laughed before kissing the spot.

"There I made it all better." I laughed and we both held hands as we skipped downstairs. We sat down at the table waiting for breakfast. Ever since we moved in here, we always eat together and it's actually really nice.

Carter brought a stack of pancakes towards the table and put them in the middle. I went to grab one but he slapped my hand away gently and I pouted. He laughed before his eyes flickered above me. He frowned before going back to the kitchen. 

Elijah came out, bringing bowls of fruit and maple syrup. He sat down across from me and smiled. I smiled back. I reached for a strawberry and he smacked my hand away gently and I pouted yet again. 

Carter came back out with Ares. They both sat down, Ares next to me at the head of the table and Carter across from James. Ares set down some sausages and bacon next to me and when I went to grab one he smacked my hand away gently.

"Stop denying me food." I pouted and crossed my arms sinking into my seat. Ares let out a little chuckled. I huffed and sunk down even more.

"Is someone being a baby? Should I feed you?" Carter asked, I glared at him and he laughed.

"I'm hungry and I would like to eat. Please give me food." I give them puppy eyes and they all laughed and finally let me eat. Every grabbed some food and we all dug in. Me and Ares were talking as James talked with Carter and Elijah.

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