Sweet Relief

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You gasped waking up.

The room seemed unfamiliar but it was yours.

You looked around and saw the boys sleeping on either side of you.

You trembled.

You tried to nudge Kirishima, but he was fast asleep.

A/N (This will now be almost word for word from Yuzuya's audio)
(Link in the comments and above)


You nudged Bakugou, he stirred but didn't wake up. You needed some comfort from that nightmare.

You nudged him harder, softly tapping his face.

He ignored you.

'Dammit Katsuki, please!' You thought

You resorted to the only thing he would respond to


"Oi, what the hell was that for?" He yawned.

You clung to him

"Hey, what's going on, huh? First, you hit me, now you're clinging to me?" He sighed

You were trembling

"Wait, you're shaking...shit... what's wrong?"

You looked up at him with tears forming in your eyes

"Nightmare, huh? Was it bad?" He asked

You whimpered holding back tears

"Hey... shhh cmon, don't cry" he shushed

You couldn't hold it back anymore and started to cry

"Shit... Kirishima!" He called out but Kiri was fast asleep

"Psst... Oi shitty hair! Wake up!" He shook him.

Kirishima still has no signs of waking up

"Ugh EIJIRO!" he shook him harder

He's still fast asleep.

"For the love of... OI!" He smacked him "I said wake up!"

Kirishima woke up and groaned

"Huh? Ow... Katsuki... what was that for?" He rubbed his head

"Prince(ss) had a nightmare idiot, a bad one, they're crying" he explained

Kirishima noticed you trembling "Oh no... oh baby... shhh, you're okay.. we've gotcha, you're okay" he hushed

Bakugou grabbed some tissues and handed them to you "Here, dry your eyes... and blow your nose too, don't get snot everywhere"

You grabbed them and did what he said. Trying to calm down

"Good," he said

"Here baby, ill take those" Kirishima held his hand out and you placed the used tissues in them

He placed them on the nightstand "There, all gone. Now just, take some slow breaths for us, you're safe now." He kissed your forehead and shushed You

"Here, hold them for a sec Eijiro, I'm gonna grab the water bottle," Bakugou said before he got up

"Of course" he wrapped his arms around you "Come here baby, I gotcha" he shushed you as he held you close

"Here baby, sit up for me and take a few sips," Bakugou said holding a bottle of water towards you.

You took it and drank some water.

"That's it hun, just nice and slow, it's okay," Kirishima said as he rubbed your back while you took some sips.

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