Chapter 7 (Part 1)

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Lauren's POV

Today was the day. She woke up extra early getting ready for the eventful day. She was gonna spend it with Camila and Ally. She loved Ally, it was nearly impossible not to love Ally.

But her heart was beyond more excited to see Camila. She stared into the mirror fixing her hair. Although there was only an hour until Camila and Ally picked her up, she was already ready. "Hey Camila, you're beautiful." Lauren practiced in the mirror. She very well knew she wouldn't actually say that to her, but she knew she wanted to.

The smell of pancakes and bacon had reached her nose. She followed the smell into the kitchen, her eyes fell on her mom cooking. "That smells amazing mom," she scrunched up her nose and took a deep breath. "Its ready, want pancakes or bacon?" Clara asked as she laughed at Lauren's reaction to the food.

"Pancakes please!" She gave a wide toothy smile, her smile caused Clara to laugh even harder. Lauren's smile was irresistibly charming. And she knew it.

After eating breakfast. Lauren glanced at the clock, just then the doorbell rang. She ran to the mirror and fixed up her appearance. "Lauren, get the door. You don't want to make your girlfriend wait." Clara blurted. Lauren's face turned red at the comment. She opened the door and began smiling when she saw Camila and Ally. "Ready to go?" Ally asked. Camila hadn't spoken. She just stared at Lauren.

"You look beaut- great." Camila nervously got out. She rubbed the back of her neck and smiled gently. Lauren's heart began fluttering at the comment. "Thanks. Let's go." Lauren closed the door behind her and followed Ally and Camila to the car. She couldn't stop herself from staring at Camila's butt.

Once they got in the car, Ally put on some music. Lauren immediately recognised the song. She began singing,

It's just you and I tonight,
Why don't you figure my heart out?

Her heart stopped when she heard Camila join her for a duet in the front seat. Noticing Lauren finally stop, Camila turned her head around, "do I really suck that bad?" She laughed. "You have an amazing voice." Lauren answered truthfully.

"Thank you," Camila blushed.

The rest of the car ride was Camila and Lauren singing every The 1975 song Ally had. It was fun for Lauren. She felt comfort and home in Camila's voice.

They had finally arrived at the art gallery. Lauren ran out the car and opened Camila's door for her. She didn't understand why she did it, but seeing Camila blushed because of her made her heart flutter. Once they got inside, the girls looked at all the different art that had been up.

Lauren never took much of an interest to art. But she knew her favorite piece was Camila, the walking, breathing, piece of art. She watched as Camila and Ally admired every artwork they walked by. Camila had seemed to be a very loving person, towards everything. And that made Lauren happy. She felt beyond blessed to have Camila as her friend.

"Lauren," Camila said softly, knocking away Lauren's thought bubble. Lauren looked at the girl with gentle eyes. She felt butterflies invade her stomach at the gaze the other girl held. "Yeah?" She finally got out. "Do you smell something odd too?" Camila asked as she began lifting her nose up to take another deep breath.

"Its probably Ally's holy fart." Lauren joked. Camila began hysterically laughing at Lauren's joke. Her laugh once again caused Lauren's heart to flutter. Lauren began sniffing to see what Camila was referring to. And she did smell something. "It smells like something is burning." She said to confirm Camila's earlier suspicion.

"I need to use the bathroom," Ally blurted. "We'll come." Camila offered. It took the three girls a while, but they had eventually found the bathroom. Lauren was washing her hands, when she felt something splash on her face. She looked up and saw Camila flicking water at her. "I'm gonna get you," she spat. She jokingly looked mad and chased Camila around the bathroom. Finally, Camila slipped on some water and bumped into the wall. Lauren trapped Camila with her arms, "got you." She winked.

Just as Ally came out the stall, she interrupted them, "guys. Is that... Fire?" The two girls looked in Ally's direction. The wall had been burning, ashes falling to the ground. Lauren felt her throat swell up in panick, and her heart race.


A/N: Boom! There's your chapter 7 part one. Yes guys. The art gallery is indeed on fire. Let's just hope camren survives ;))

This part was intentionally short. But it's okay. I'll update later. Promise.

In the mean time, follow me on twitter: @/heyjaureguii

Thanks once again.

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